
Pollen- and Non Pollen Palynomorphs- Analyses from Svalbard

Authors Name:   

Vlasta Jankovská

Journal: Czech Polar Reports
Issue: 7
Volume: 2
Page Range: 123-132
No. of Pages: 10
Year: 2017


Publishers: muniPress Masaryk University Brno
ISSN:    1805-0689 (Print), 1805-0697 (On-line)
Language: English

We analysed fifteen samples of a shallow profile “Sverrefjellet Volcano “, located in the NW part of Svalbard – Bockfjord region (see Fig.1). Frequency of pollen grains, spores and NPP (Non Pollen Palynomorphs) was quite low. Only the local taxa (e.g. Salix and Cyperaceae) produced pollen in greater abundance. The pollen spectrum was considerably varied, although pollen grains and spores of most taxa were present in low abundances. This was due to low pollen and spores productivity of the Arctic flora, which propagates mostly in a vegetative way. To obtain as much information from the profile under study as possible, we analysed the non- pollen palynomorphs as well. We succeeded above all in determination of eggs, buccal tubes and claws of the Tardigrada phylum (Jankovská 1991). The determination has been recently verified by specialists in the field, prof. L. Kaczmarek and dr. M. Roszkowska (in Jankovská et al. 2016). The results of the pollen- and NPP analysis are presented in pollen- and NPP diagram, which represents a picture of the species-poor Arctic flora.



Palaeoecological analysis, vegetation and climate history, Tardigrada, Bockfjord, Svalbard



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