
Solution for information and analytical support of staffing management in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation

Authors Name:   

Andrey Grigorevich Oleynik, Vitaliy Viktorovich Bystrov, Darya Nikolaevna Khaliullina

Journal: Czech Polar Reports
Issue: 7
Volume: 2
Page Range: 195-205 
No. of Pages: 11
Year: 2017


Publishers: muniPress Masaryk University Brno
ISSN:    1805-0689 (Print), 1805-0697 (On-line)
Language: English

One of the main problems of Arctic zone development in the Russian Federation (AZRF) is a limited labor resources. Poly-model complex for analysis and simulation of the AZRF labor market is presented in the article. The complex allows you to forecast the formation of the labor demand of socio-economic systems in AZRF and to explore the possibilities of regional professional education systems in terms of meeting the forecasted needs. Technologies of system-dynamic and agent-based modeling are shared within the framework of the complex. The advantage of the presented software tool is the ability to operatively vary not only the quantitative characteristics of the modeled system, but also the structure of interaction between the components of the system. This is a useful opportunity to analyze the possible impact on the regional labor market of investment projects that are planned for implementation in the region. Developed tool was used to support the personnel policy management in the Murmansk region.


Keywords: Arctic zone, labor resources management, information and analytical support, simulation, poly-model complex


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Notes: ASSW