
Solutions for system analysis and information support of the various activities in the Arctic

Authors Name:   

Andrey Oleynik, Pavel Lomov, Alexey Shemyakin, Alexey Avdeev

Journal: Czech Polar Reports
Issue: 7
Volume: 2
Page Range: 280-289
No. of Pages: 10
Year: 2017


Publishers: muniPress Masaryk University Brno
ISSN:    1805-0689 (Print), 1805-0697 (On-line)
Language: English

Comprehensive use of data and knowledge obtained within different disciplines is necessary for the scientific substantiation of activities in the Arctic zone and for a system analysis of the possible consequences of this activity. Information resources created so far allow the access to a variety of data on the Arctic. The authors propose the solution for task of data consistency ensuring in the field of combined presentation and use of data and knowledge of interdisciplinary research. The proposed solution is based on the joint use of relational database and ontology. The developed structure and mechanisms of the database maintenance provide a uniform representation of the information about results of the researches executed in the framework of various disciplines. The ontology is a high-level global schema of the information system and it provides a dictionary that is used to formulate a database query in terms of a subject domain. In this work, ontology is implemented as a system of small fragments - ontology design patterns. The patterns use makes it possible to perform efficient preliminary database indexing, which ensures faster execution of user queries.


Keywords: activity in Arctic, interdisciplinary researches, information and analytical support, database, ontology


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Notes: ASSW