
Indigenous peoples' control over contemporary challenges of traditional subsistence socio-ecological systems sustainability: The case from the taiga zone of Siberia

Authors Name:   

Tatiana Vlasova, Nikita Kaplin, Sergey Volkov 

Journal: Czech Polar Reports
Issue: 7
Volume: 2
Page Range: 290-299 
No. of Pages: 10
Year: 2017


Publishers: muniPress Masaryk University Brno
ISSN:    1805-0689 (Print), 1805-0697 (On-line)
Language: English

Traditional subsistence socio-ecological systems (TSSESs) based on hunting, gathering and fishing are widely spread all-over the taiga zone of Siberia. Nowadays, they are strongly impacted by several drivers of change, coming from human activities and climate changes with cascading both positive and negative effects on all components of  ecosystem functions and services. The effects may influence quality of life of indigenous people and human capacities. Key multi-scale issues and possible ways of their solution are identified in TSSESs of Evenkia municipal district of the Krasnoyarsk region based on scientific research and traditional local knowledge and perceptions integration. Among key issues the degradation of ecosystems heavily impacting local subsistence resources availability (fish and meat for food as well as wild animals’ skins for sale) is the most urgent for the indigenous people living on land. Several negative driving forces both socio-economic and natural  such as widespread poaching, forest land auctions and increasing annual rent obligations for hunting grounds to the indigenous peoples, imposing limits (quarters) without taking into account real subsistence need of indigenous communities, non-compensated impact of spreading infrastructure and logging on taiga forest ecosystems and hunting grounds, as well as climate changes, are impacting quality of life and human capacities of indigenous people. This analysis of key issues and driving forces leading to them gives us opportunity to propose several ways of such issues solution. The improvement of control and management of TSSESs sustainability with active participation of indigenous people is the principle way for achieving TSSESs resilience and sustainability.


Keywords: traditional activities, poaching, logging, sustainability, monitoring, indigenous people participation


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Web sources


[1] Evenkia official website (http://www.evenkya.ru/info/map/)


[2] Krasnoyarsk region official portal (http://www.krskstate.ru/)


Notes: ASSW