
Manuscripts are submitted electronically to the address:


Authors may submit their mausrcipts through the CPR Editorial System as well ( SUBMISSION). In such case, the authors without CPR account (login) are asked to create their account, i.e. specify their USERNAME and PASSWORD first.

Whenever the author account is established, the author(s) may submit directly through interactive web form in 5 steps.

Then, immediatelly ofter submisstion, the authors receive informative e-mail message SUBMISSION ACKNOWLEDGEMENT, in which the submission is approved, manuscript number given, and the link to the Editorial System specified. At the link, the authors see status of their manuscripts and may track them in terms of Editorial Procedure steps.



The submission consists of several files, recommended file names are given in brackets:


Within 24 h after the submission, submitting author is notified by a special e-mail message, in which specific manuscript reference number is given.


Each MS is reviewed by two anonymous reviewers.