On-line Manual JUICE Page Working Group for Vegetation Science

Table sorting

Several types of table sorting are considered to the program. Their next list starts with basic species and relevés sorts, but the program can also sort according to headers, average Ellenberg indicator values, clusters calculated in PC-ORD etc.

Species and relevé sorting

  • Select species colour and mark species to be sorted.
  • Display the Sorting form from the menu EDITING AND SORTING and SORT SPECIES.
  • Select coloured group of species and the colour of relevés to be considered to the sorting.

Note: Species will be sorted by (1) frequency, (2) order of the relevé with the first occurence and (3) cover value.

Note 2: Relevé sorting can be run in a similar way.

Other basic types of species sorts

Functions SORT SPECIES ALPHABETICALLY and SORT SPECIES BY LAYERS (menu EDITING AND SORTING) perform alphabetical sorting and sorting by layers (e.g. tree layer, shrub layer, etc.).

Note 2: An information about layer can be displayed from the menu SPECIES and LAYER VIEW. Another way how to highlight different layers by selected colours is stored in the menu SPECIES and MARK LAYERS. Displayed form (bellow) also explain layer numbers used in the table by text identifications.


SORT SPECIES BY MEDIAN COVER - all species will be sorted by their median cover, which is calculated from all species occurences in the current data set.

DEPENDENCE SORTING (menu EDITING AND SORTING) is the function which uses interspecific associations as the main sorting criterion. Interspecific associations between all possible pairs of species are calculated as any selected phidelity index. For every species average values of selected fidelity measure of the three (five or ten) most similar species are indicated, and the dataset is subsequently sorted by these average values.

Basic relevé sorts

The function SORT SHORT HEADERS is useful in many cases where same header or other important relevé data are stored to short headers.

Note: Numbers are sorted in numerical order (1, 2, 3, 11, 12, 13, 21, 22, 23) while text strings are sorted in alphabetical order (1, 11, 12, 13, 2, 21, 22, 23, 3).

The function SORT RELEVÉS BY HEADER DATA allows to change relevés sentence by any header column selected from the list. The user should store several parameters - lenght of character string to be sorted, a check box for making of separators between different header values and a check box for replacement of short headers by selected header data.

Synoptic table sorts

This type of sort is available if the synoptic table is displayed. Species can be sorted by several different measures. Single sort function is called by the button Sort single column. The method Sort entire dataset is cummulative sorting function - (1) cut level is needed before sorting, (2) all selected species are sorted by the first column, (3) positions of species with the value higher than cut level are fixed and other species are sorted by the second column, (4) positions of species with the value higher than cut level are fixed and other species are sorted by the third column...

Relevé sorts by clusters made by PC-ORD

The program JUICE allows relevé sorting by clusters of selected cluster method made by PC-ORD.
  • Table data have to be exported into Cornell condensed format file and this file is loaded by PC-ORD.
  • After any selected analysis results should be saved as MATRIX2 in comma delimited file with suffix CSV.
  • Select SORT RELEVÉS BY CLUSTERS in the menu EDITING AND SORTING and open CSV file. Proper form will be displayed.
  • Select number of groups, which should be distinguish in the table and press the button Continue >>>. The function will make selected number of groups divided by separators, which can be analysed as constancy columns in synoptic table.