On-line Manual JUICE Page Working Group for Vegetation Science


TWINSPAN (Hill 1979) is one of the classification utilities most widely used by phytosociologists and vegetation ecologists. This application is included as an external, free program managed by JUICE. Before running the program open the input form (menu ANALYSIS and TWINSPAN), make sure the appropriate colour is set (you can TWINSPAN all relevés or a selected group), and specify the cut levels, minimum group size and maximum level of divisions (values of pseudospecies cut levels must be separated by one space). Check Species sorting if you want to have the species rearranged by TWINSPAN (we recommend that you sort species after running TWINSPAN by Synoptic table sorting). Check Make separators, if you want to show TWINSPAN groups. After pressing Run TWINSPAN a temporary Cornell condensed file is created and the TWINSPAN application is started. After classification is terminated JUICE loads the results and sorts the table. Standard TWINSPAN output and solution files (*.TWI and *.PUN) are created in the working directory. The solution file contains both sample and species classifications in a form which can be loaded into a database or statistics program for further analysis.

Warning! TWINSPAN is an external application. Please, use the button Change path, if the analysing process will not terminate. Any problems with TWINSPAN running, however, will not affect the JUICE program (JUICE only loads TWINSPAN results).