Typos in the first edition of my PhD thesis

Disclaimer: these mistakes are obvious, but if you have not yet discover them, please correct your copy of my thesis (well, sorry for the troubles):

1. Page 15, last line of the Qx-scan paragraph.
Wrong: ...and (omega,2theta)=(-Qz/2K,0) for...
Correct: ...and (omega,theta2)=(-Qz/K,0) for...

2. Page 15, last line of the Qz-scan paragraph.
Wrong: ...and (omega,2theta)=(sqrt...,0) for...
Correct: ...and (omega,theta2)=(sqrt...,0) for...

3. Page 23, Figure 3.1. Units in the label of x-axis are Angstroms.

4. Page 27, Line 4 of caption of the Figure 3.3.
Wrong: ...angle of incidence theta: ...
Correct: ...angle of incidence theta1: ...

5. Page 29, Figure 3.4. Units in the label of y-axis are Angstroms.

6. Page 29, equation (3.44).
Wrong: Lambda(omega) = 2K Im(...)
Correct: Lambda(omega) = [ 2K Im(...) ]-1

7. Page 42, equation (3.109).
Wrong: [ H(...) + H(...) ]
Correct: [ H(...) + H(...) -1 ]
Note: this equals [ H(z-zj) - H(z-zj+1) ]

8. Page 42, equation (3.112).
Wrong: [ chi(j) H(zj-z) + chi(j+1) H(z-zj) ]
Correct: [ chi(j) H(zj-z) + chi(j+1) H(z-zj) - chi(j) ]
Note: this equals ( chi(j+1)-chi(j) ) H(z-zj+1)

9. Page 122, Figure 5.22. Units of wavelength on the x-axis are Angstroms, units on the y-axis are degrees.

10. Page 133, Figure 5.31. Units in the label of the upper y-axis are reciprocal Angstroms.

11. Page 21, title of section 3.3.
Wrong: 3.3 Refraction index
Correct: 3.3 Refractive index

12. Page 23, caption of Table 3.1.
Wrong: Table 3.1. Refraction indices and critical...
Correct: Table 3.1. Refractive indices and critical...

13. Page 57, equation (4.18)
Wrong: ... - SUM Dl(...)
Correct: ... - SUM tl(...)

14. Page 59, the 2nd paragraph
Wrong: the above substitution (4.31).
Correct: the above substitution (4.32).

15. Page 73, Figure 4.12. Units in the label of the upper y-axis on the bottom four figures are reciprocal Angstroms.

16. Page 105, the last paragraph
Wrong: of the periodic grating, see Fig. 5.2.
Correct: of the periodic grating, see Fig. 5.5.

That's all, I hope. If you have found any other mistake, please let me know.

Last change: 12. 10. 1999.