Zdenka Otýpková

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Zdenka Otýpková

Institute of Botany and Zoology

Kotlářská 2

611 37 Brno

Czech Republic


Telefon: (+420) 532146299

E-mail: zdenkao et sci.muni.cz

botanist, a full-time employee at Masaryk University in Brno.

My main subject is vegetation of the Czech Republic, formalized and classical classification of vegetation, issue of the plot size in phytosociology and the weed vegetation. My amorous study area covers Moravian Carpathians, Haná region (where I was born) and southern Moravia. Besides sampling of plots, I like vegetation and floristic mapping .

Apart from my botany interest, I like travelling, hiking in the mountains, tropic areas (especially south-east Asia), cross-country skiing etc. I enjoy meeting new people and getting to know different cultural environments.