
Cell wall functional activity and metal accumulation of halophytic plant species Plantago maritima and Triglochin maritima on the White Sea littoral zone (NW Russia)

Authors Name:   

Elena N. Terebova, Evgenya F. Markovskaya, Vera I. Androsova, Maria A. Pavlova, Natalia V. Oreshnikova

Journal: Czech Polar Reports
Issue: 10
Volume: 2
Page Range: 169-188
No. of Pages: 20
Year: 2020


Publishers: muniPress Masaryk University Brno
ISSN:    1805-0689 (Print), 1805-0697 (On-line)
Language: English

The presented study supplements the knowledge on ion-exchange capacity, swelling capacity (elasticity) of the plant cell wall, and the accumulation of heavy metals in halophytic species Plantago maritima and Triglochin maritima in the tidal zone of the White Sea western coast. The littoral soils of the coastal territories are sandy or rocky-sandy, medium and slightly saline with poor content of organic substances, Mn, Zn, Ni, and Pb. Studied soils are considered as uncontaminated by heavy metals because they contain background amounts of Fe and Cu. Sea water is significantly polluted by Fe (3.8 MPC) and Ni (55 MPC), has poor content of Zn and Cu and background level of Pb and Mn. The coastal dominant plant species P. maritima and T. maritima were characterized by intensive metals accumulation which was reflected in the coefficient of biological absorption (CBA) of metal by a whole plant. For P. maritima the following metal accumulation series was obtained: Cu (3.29)> Zn (2.81)> Ni (1.57)> Pb (1.30)> Mn (1.21)> Fe (0.97), and for T. maritima: Ni (3.80)> Fe (2.08)> Cu (1.91)> Zn (1.84)> Pb (1.51)> Mn (1.31). Roots accumulated 50–70% of Ni, Cu, Zn, Pb and Mn of the total metal content in the plant while leaves and stems contained 30–50%. Fe was allocated mainly in the roots (80%). The ion-exchange capacity of the plant cell wall for P. maritima and T. maritima was established as follows correspondingly: 3570–3700 and 2710–3070 μmol g-1 dry cell weight per leaf; 2310–2350 and 1160–1250 μmol g-1 dry cell weight per root.


Keywords: plant cell wall, ion exchange capacity, swelling coefficient, heavy metals, coefficient of biological absorption, halophytes, estuary


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