Salt solution*                 2 ml
    Dextrose (Difco) solution**  6.7 ml
    L-Histidine.HCl solution***    1 ml
    Biotin solution****          0.6 ml
    Agar (Difco B140)              2 g
    Deionized water (sterile)   88.7 ml
    *Salt solution
    MgSO4.7H2O                     1 g
    Citric acid (monohydrate)     10 g
    K2HPO4                        50 g
    Na(NH4)HPO4.4H2O            17.5 g
Dissolve and complete to 100 ml with deionized 
    **30% dextrose (Difco B155) solution

    ***L-Histidine solution
    L-Histidine.HCl              500 mg
    Redistilled water            100 ml

    ****Biotin solution
    Biotin                     12.36 mg
    Redistilled water            100 ml 

    l. Ampicillin solution
    Ampicillin                    80 mg 
    NaOH (0.02 N)                 10 ml

    2. Tetracycline solution
    Tetracycline                  80 mg
    HCl (0.02 N)                  10 ml
Dissolve agar in deionized water and sterilize at 
121°C for 15 min. Cool to 50°C and add 
filter-sterilized solutions *, **, ***, ****. 
Futher add 0.315 ml filter-sterilized ampicillin 
solution (1) for strains CCM 3808-CCM 3812 and 
0.315 ml ampicillin (1) and 0.025 ml tetracycline 
solutions (2) for CCM 3813.