Annex No. 1 to the MU Directive on Habilitation Procedures and Professor Appointment Procedures Habilitation Procedure Initiation Proposal in accordance with section 5, subsection 1 of the MU directive on Habilitation Procedures and Professor Appointment Procedures Applicant Name and surname, including academic degrees[1]: Doctoral studies successfully completed (year, institution):[DEL: :DEL] Field of doctoral studies:[DEL: :DEL] Doctoral thesis a) Original title: b) Title in English: Habilitation procedure Field in which the appointment is being sought: Habilitation thesis a) Original title: b) Title in English: Habilitation thesis type: a) written thesis introducing new scholarly or scientific findings, or b) collection of previously published scholarly or engineering works with commentary, or c) previously published monograph, introducing new scholarly or scientific findings, or d) work of art or artistic performance or set thereof, including e.g. outstanding public artistic activities. Habilitation theses are published by Masaryk University in accordance with section 75, subsection 4 of the Higher Education Act. The publication of a habilitation thesis is conducted while respecting the protection of information protected by special legal measures, the protection of trade secrets and the protection of the legitimate interests of third parties. Should the publication of a habilitation thesis or its parts result in or threaten to result in a breach of such protection, the applicant is required to indicate so in the proposal for habilitation procedure initiation, list relevant grounds and specify sections excluded from publication[2]. A thesis abstract and commentary are always published. § specification of habilitation thesis sections excluded from publication: § grounds for exclusion: Proposed public lecture topics[3]: 1. proposal: 2. proposal: 3. proposal: Habilitation procedures at MU are governed by Act No. 111/1998 Coll., on Higher Education Institutions and on the Modification and Amendment of Other Acts, and held in accordance with the MU Habilitation Procedure and Professor Appointment Procedure Regulations and the MU directive on Habilitation Procedures and Professor Appointment Procedures. By submitting a proposal for initiating a habilitation procedure, the applicant acknowledges and undertakes to respect the above mentioned regulations. Date: Signature: ________________________________ [1] Only the abbreviations of documented academic degrees (i.e. abbreviations stated on diplomas or abbreviations of degrees whose usage by the applicant is derived from the laws of a country where he/she completed his/her education or from other regulations) may be listed. [2] In case the entire habilitation thesis cannot be published, the applicant must submit in electronic form both the full version of the work, including the abstract and commentary (to be electronically archived but not published), as well as a version of the work which consists of sections suitable for publication (including the abstract and commentary). [3] Please indicate the lecture title in English. The language of the lecture will be determined following a discussion with the faculty. The lecture topic will be selected by the habilitation board. Lecture topics may not be amended at a later time.