1 TEMPLATE 4: ACTION PLAN Case number: 2018CZ317039 Name Organisation under review: Masaryk University – Faculty of Science Organisation’s contact details: Faculty of Science, Kotlarska 267/2, 611 37 Brno, Czech Republic T: +420 775 352 944, +420 549 49 1402 Barbora Wahlova – wahlova@sci.muni.cz, T: +420 775 352 944 Roman Cermak – rcermak@sci.muni.cz, T: +420 549 491 402 SUBMISSION DATE: September 27, 2018 1. ORGANISATIONAL INFORMATION Please provide a limited number of key figures for your organisation. Figures marked * are compulsory. STAFF & STUDENTS FTE Total researchers = staff, fellowship holders, bursary holders, PhD. students either full-time or part-time involved in research 1373 Including 786 Ph.D. students Of whom are international (i.e. foreign nationality) 179 75 + 104 Ph.D. students (out of which some are in employment relationship) Of whom are externally funded (i.e. for whom the organisation is host organisation) 245 data from daily updated site: https://www.muni.cz/o- univerzite/fakulty-a- pracoviste/prirodovedecka- fakulta/statistika Of whom are women 564 281 women researchers + 284 Ph.D. students (out of which some are in employment relationship with the faculty) Of whom are stage R3 or R4 = Researchers with a large degree of autonomy, typically holding the status of Principal Investigator or Professor. 324 R4 - professor, associate professor; R3 - lecturer, researcher, scientific support, researcher's support Of whom are stage R2 = in most organisations corresponding with postdoctoral level 263 lecturer, researcher's support, postdoctoral research fellow Of whom are stage R1 = in most organisations corresponding with doctoral level 786 Ph.D. students, 2 including 146 in employment relationship Total number of students (if relevant) 3679 As of 26.7.2018 Total number of staff (including management, administrative, teaching and research staff) 1032 587 researchers + 146 Ph.D employed students + 72 admin staff + 227 laboratory technicians, technical positions, Botanical Garden, Library… RESEARCH FUNDING (figures for most recent fiscal year) € Total annual organisational budget 58.602.580 Annual organisational direct government funding (designated for research) 23.108.920 Annual competitive government-sourced funding (designated for research, obtained in competition with other organisations – including EU funding) 11.659.620 Annual funding from private, non-government sources, designated for research 7.019.230 ORGANISATIONAL PROFILE (a very brief description of your organisation, max. 100 words) The Faculty of Science MU (FoS) is a higher education institute at Masaryk University (MU), established pursuant to Section 22 (1) b) of the Higher Education Act of the Czech Republic and specified in section 2 b) of Annex No. 2 of the MU’s Statute. The FoS is organized in 13 relatively autonomous departments and 2 institutes, of varying size and complexity – from circa 20 to 200 employees, and having their own departmental organisation rules. As an integral part of the University, FoS cooperates closely with the Faculty of Medicine and Central European Institute of Technology (CEITEC) at Masaryk University. The Faculty has endorsed principles of the Charter and the Code as a separate organisation. 2. STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES OF THE CURRENT PRACTICE: Please provide an overview of the organisation in terms of the current strengths and weaknesses of the current practice under the four thematic headings of the Charter and Code at your organization. Thematic heading of the Charter and Code STRENGTHS and WEAKNESSES Ethical and professional aspects free txt maximum 500 words STRENGTHS: Freedom of research, respect to ethical principles as well as professional responsibility, attitude and accountability are strongly anchored within the Faculty research community. Compliance with this principle is promoted by a long tradition as well as strategic documents 3 (https://www.muni.cz/en/research) that include inputs from the International Scientific Advisory Board (https://www.muni.cz/en/research/isab). Quality is also assured through the internal regulations implemented at the levels of University, Faculty as well as Faculty individual Institutes/Departments and through other internal control mechanisms like the Faculty and University Academic Senate. More details on the Faculty and its research activities see here. Dissemination, exploitation of the results and public engagement are well assured by various means including Technology Transfer Office [http://www.ctt.muni.cz/en], web news portal [https://www.online.muni.cz/en], monthly printed magazine [https://www.online.muni.cz/pdf-verze/10164-muni-rocnik-2018] or – for example - database of MU experts serving to public and journalists [in Czech: https://www.online.muni.cz/experti]. Faculty is also actively involved in activities for public such as annually organized “Night of Researchers” [http://www.noc-vedcu.muni.cz/] and others. WEAKNESESS: As an outcome from the Gap Analysis, consultation sessions, the Faculty researchers identified following major areas requiring improvement, which are applicable to multiple Thematic Groups in addition to Ethical aspects: * Missing a Faculty Evaluation/Appraisal system providing all R1-R4 and their supervisors with clear framework for setting and evaluating performance targets based on roles & competencies while still maintaining space for individual department specifics and academic freedom. * Missing Faculty Role system containing job descriptions/competency models for researcher roles (University rules exist, but are too general), allowing specification of criteria for a candidate/employee evaluation. * External Communication & Employer Branding: very low visibility of the Faculty externally, missing modern and complex Faculty web site that would be also in English and containing an appealing Faculty Career page. * Missing complete information and training in English (equal to the one provided in Czech), language barrier for not Czech speaking researchers. Ethical and professional major specifics requiring actions are: * Missing structured information sharing and training on Ethical principles, in the initial employment stage (Onboarding) and also during the researcher employment. 4 * Missing specific know-how and sufficient support for preparation and project writing (including complex international projects), and financial management. * Missing general framework of H&S training and documentation process (preferably in eLearning tool and provided in English as well) that would be applicable to all Faculty departments. * Missing the Faculty information security process - data management, data back-up, and data security. Recruitment and selection free txt maximum 500 words STRENGTHS: For this thematic heading several weaknesses have been identified. However, as a strength we can highlight natural attractiveness of the Faculty as an employer for researchers due to well-known intellectual potential and extremely interesting fields of research. More details on the Faculty and its research activities see here. The Faculty is also known for its strong commitment towards improvement. The new dean, in the office since February 2018 for minimum of next 4 years, as well all of the stakeholders (including academic staff and researchers) are strongly committed to this process and guarantee its long term sustainability. WEAKNESESS: Following areas for improvement were identified by researchers and also by the involved HR experts during the Gap Analysis: * Well-presented Faculty recruitment policy, in addition to the University regulation that would include all OTM-R principles, criteria for Selection committee composition also from gender perspective, recommendations related to career breaks in the CV and candidate evaluation guide are missing. * There are no Faculty specific recruitment process description and practical guidelines in place helping to apply advanced job advertising, sourcing and evaluating and hiring techniques in a unified way. * Involved faculty staff (HR team for academic positions, departmental staff for non-academic positions) does not use all up-to- date recruitment techniques, sources and channels. * Existing University eRecruitment tool (INET), is not fully utilized. * Insufficient Employer branding: low visibility, missing modern and complex Faculty web site that is also in English, and, especially, own Career Page showing potential career paths to candidates. * Missing Faculty Career Code as one of the selection pillars, especially in case of internal hiring, see also a Weakness in Working conditions. 5 Working conditions free txt maximum 500 words STRENGTHS: Good situation exists in both Research environment (principle 23) and Working conditions (24), in the sense of top infrastructures and facilities which are commonly open and shared among researchers including natural cooperation of highly skilled professional teams. Existing system allows to adapt to researchers’ specific needs related to their family and work balance, including part-time contracts, sabbatical leave, flexible working hours etc., even though not always formally supported by Faculty regulations. The open spirit is also reflected by natural support and appreciation of co-authorships (32) within faculty as well as externally. The co-authorship is also supported by a newly implemented Czech National Methodology for Evaluating Research Organisations and Research, Development and Innovation Purpose-tied Aid Programmes (approved under Czech Government Resolution No. 107 of 8 February 2017, so called „Methodology 17+“). Other principles are also naturally implemented such as acknowledgements of (international) mobility (29), which is among our top priorities, supported by the University body International Support Office [https://www.muni.cz/en/about-us/organizational- structure/rectors-office/999222-international-support-office/aboutthe-site] and Centre for International Cooperation [https://czs.muni.cz/en/] offering a number of opportunities for both incoming and outgoing students and researchers. The same applies also to intellectual property rights (31), where trainings as well as implementation are assured through the University Technology Transfer Office (http://www.ctt.muni.cz/en) Balanced demands and synergies in research and teaching (33) are naturally implemented. Individuals thriving for research are less requested in teaching of (especially undergraduate) classes. These are covered by dedicated “lecturers”. On the other hand, opening an elective class is among the undeniable rights of all academics and researchers as reflected in the key Faculty document – the Statute. The right to participate in the decision-making (35) is assured through democratic and open systems of Academic senates at both Faculty and whole University levels. WEAKNESESS: As the outcome from the Gap Analysis consultation sessions shows, the Faculty researchers identified following major areas requiring improvement: 6 * Missing Faculty Evaluation/Appraisal system, see also a Weakness in Ethical aspects. * Missing Faculty H&S training process, see also a Weakness in Ethical aspects. * Language barrier, see also a Weakness in Ethical aspects. * Well-presented Faculty recruitment policy, see also a Weakness in Recruitment. * Missing Faculty Career code built on the new Faculty Role system and allowing individual departments to add their specifics, containing career development paths for R1-R4, rules for selection/evaluation and career advisory rules. This Weakness is applicable to multiple Thematic Groups. * Missing Faculty working time regulation (flexible working hours, home office). * Faculty Internal communication – Missing faculty HR intranet with all necessary employment info in one place, also in English, low visibility of the University Career Center, lack of information about existing educational programs, and training and development opportunities. * There is certain feeling of insecurity among researchers with respect to duration of their employment contracts, especially in their early stage, but not limited to this time frame only. * Missing better visibility of women researchers, better gender & cultural diversity awareness. * Missing Faculty reporting mechanism for eventual ethical issues, conflicts and grievance cases – Ombudsman role (University complaint process is in place). Training and development free txt maximum 500 words STRENGTHS: Although some improvements are needed, certain aspects of Continuing Professional Development (38) and Access to research training and continuous development (39) are well implemented. Examples include natural right of researchers to participate at professional congresses as well as courses and trainings provided at the level of University and Faculty improving namely pedagogic/teaching abilities (http://cerpek.muni.cz/), language skills (https://www.cjv.muni.cz/en/), advancing in e-learning (https://is.muni.cz/elportal/), and others. There are many training and development opportunities for R1-R4 at the University, even though not advertised and communicated enough. WEAKNESESS: As an outcome from the Gap Analysis, consultation sessions, the Faculty researchers identified following major areas requiring improvement: 7 * Missing the Faculty Career code, containing career development paths for R1-R4, built on the Faculty Role system, see also a Weakness in Working conditions. * Missing the Faculty Evaluation/Appraisal system, see also a Weakness in Ethical aspects. * Missing the Faculty Role system containing also job descriptions/competency, see also a Weakness in Ethical aspects. * Faculty Internal communication – Missing information about existing educational programs and training and development, see also a Weakness in Working conditions. * Missing well developed educational concept for doctoral students and also postdoctoral research fellows and training for early stage researchers in academic writing and publishing. * Missing formal Faculty training/mentoring guidelines, and mentor assignment for early stage researchers. * Lack of mentoring and communication skills and time management also applicable to senior researchers. * High administrative burden on supervisor’s side. 3. ACTIONS The Action Plan and HRS4R strategy must be published on an easily accessible location of the organisation’s website. Please provide the web link to the organisation's HR Strategy dedicated webpage(s): *URL: http://www.sci.muni.cz/cz/HRS4R, http://www.sci.muni.cz/en/HRS4R/ Please fill in a sum up list of all individual actions to be undertaken in your organisation's HRS4R to address the weaknesses or strengths identified in the Gap-Analysis: Proposed ACTIONS GAP Principle(s) Timing (at least by year’s quarter/semester) Responsible Unit Indicator(s) / Target(s) Free text -100 words max Retrieved from the GAP Analysis 1. Implementation of a Faculty Role system 11, 16, 21, 22, 33, 37, 39, 40 Pilot study/Preparation 31.5.2019 * HR Award Team * HR Department * HR Award Work [web link], [% positions with job descriptions in place] 8 (Role systemization), including related job descriptions and competency models as a basic pillar for multiple stages of the employee life cycle, using also the European Framework for Research Careers, which identifies both necessary and desirable competencies for each of the four broad profiles for researchers (R1 to R4). The new faculty Role system will enable: * Transparent recruitment, candidate evaluation and its formalization. * Structured employee evaluation. * Employee training and development. * Considering additional organizational level and consequently subdepartment lead role to be added to the departmental organisational structure. Implementation 30.09.2020 Group (Department Heads) 2. Creation of a faculty Career Code, built on the new Faculty Role system and allowing individual departments to add their specifics in their departmental operational procedures, containing: * Career development paths, presented on the faculty Career page, and being referenced from a job advertisement. * Rules for granting unlimited contracts, and for limited contracts the aim to provide the longest contract duration (3 yrs.) possible with respect to existing project financing condition. * Mandatory mobility aspects. * Appointment of Faculty Career Advisor 13, 21, 25, 28, 29, 30, 33, 38 Pilot study/Preparation 31.5.2019 Implementation 30.09.2020 * HR Award team * HR Department * HR Award Work Group (Department Heads) [web link], [% positions with career path description in place] 9 role, ensuring access to the career advice. * Specification of both research and teaching as competencies for individual roles. 3. Implementation of a new faculty Employee Evaluation/Appraisal System, containing: * Framework for setting evaluation targets for individuals - public engagement activities, research/teaching targets, leadership and mentoring targets etc. and employee evaluation against targets. * Presence of international evaluators for senior researchers. * Specification of rules for motivation bonus (variable pay). 9,11, 26, 32, 33, 37, 38, 39, Pilot study/Preparation 31.5.2019 Implementation 30.09.2020 * HR Award Team * HR Department * HR Award Work Group (Department Heads) [Faculty process in place], [# employees evaluated against targets] 4. Creation and implementation of the Faculty OTMRecruitment Policy applicable for recruitment of both academic and nonacademic positions including: * Specification of responsibilities for the Faculty recruitment process. * Rules for appointment of a selection committees according to the type and character of positions and committee composition (e.g. recommendations for gender balance and diversity, expertise of the members, voting rights, presence of external/international members, career breaks in the CV, seniority etc.). * Rules for candidate evaluation within the selection. * Concept of internal recruitment. * Publishing the policy using the Faculty communication system. 12, 14, 17, 20, 27 Pilot study/Preparation 31.5.2019 Implementation 30.09.2020 * HR Department * HR Award team * HR Award Work Group (Department Heads) [web link], [date of latest update], [# staff informed] 10 5. Creation and implementation of the Faculty OTMRecruitment Process (Guidelines), both for external and internal hiring, as a practical methodology and helpful framework, including: * Detailed recruitment process description. * Guidelines and templates for external and international job posting. * List of recruitment channels and sources. * Templates for transparent candidate evaluation (interview feedback form), antidiscrimination list of questions (What to ask and not to ask at the interview). * Templates for situational communication with candidates. 13, 15, 16 Pilot study/Preparation 31.5.2019 Implementation 30.09.2020 * HR Award team * HR Department * HR Award Work Group (Department Heads) [web link], [date of latest update], [# staff informed], [list of channels for job posting], [web link Euraxess], [hiring manager feedback], [# of informed applicants], [successful candidate feedback] 6. Translation of all relevant Faculty/University documents, websites and employee mandatory training into English. Initiated with a rule of "Only Czech/English communication to all employees and faculty relevant regulations to be issued from January 2019", and ongoing for all new relevant documents and communication, also in line with planned University Language policy. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,10, 23, 24, 26, 31, 33, 35 Pilot study/Preparation 01.01.2019 Implementation 30.09.2023 * HR Award team [% of documents in English], [% of trainings in English] 7. Creating a Code of Ethics for the FoS, expanding the University’s Code, to focus on principles of the HRS4R 2 31.12.2018 * Legal Team [web link], [# of employees informed] 8. Implementation of an Onboarding process as a phase following the Recruitment process in the Employee Life Cycle, including: * Guidelines (handbook) for new employees. 1,2,3,4,5, 31, 32, 36,37, 40 30.06.2020 * HR Department * HR Award team * Working group (Department Heads) [# of new employees trained], [successful candidate feedback after first 12] months], [# of employees leaving within the first 12 months], [# of 11 * Training of new employees in ethical and professional aspects of research, intellectual property rights, coauthorship and H&S. * Official mentor assignment to a new employee and related actions. * Establishing a new employee/hiring manager (supervisor) feedback mechanism. employees leaving due to performance issues], [exit interview feedback] 9. Implementation of Refresher training in ethical and professional aspects of research, intellectual property rights, co-authorship and H&S. 1,2,3,4,5, 31, 32 31.12.2021 * HR Department * HR Award team [# of employees trained] 10. Implementation of eLearning tool allowing systematic and efficient onboarding and refresher training. 1,2,3,4,5,7, 23, 31 30.09.2020 * HR Department * HR Award team * Faculty IT Team * University IT Team [# of employees trained], [web link] 11. Implementation of the Faculty Health and Safety training and documentation process. 7, 23 31.12.2019 * Faculty H&S team * Legal Team * Working group (Department Heads) [web link], [# of employees trained] 12. Implementation of the Faculty Information Security process for data management, data back-up and security. 7 30.06.2021 * Faculty IT Team * HR Award Team * Legal Team [web link], [# of employees informed] 13. Improvement of the Faculty Internal Communication: * Implementation of the Faculty Intranet, section supporting administration processes, HR (My HR portal) and research project administration, including: - internal Career Advice site, which will contain basic career advisory, important info and reference containing references to the University Career Center, all Faculty vacancies, and also reference to external research opportunities presented by the Czech recruitment engine Researchjobs.cz. - section on available trainings related to researcher competency building, also available 4, 6, 24, 25, 26, 30, 33, 39 30.09.2022 * HR Award Team * HR Department * Faculty PR Team * Steering Committee (Dean’s Board) [web link], [# of employees informed] 12 in English. * Implementation of the Faculty periodic newsletter, bringing faculty core information, information related to strategic goals, and containing “Successful women” section. * Implementation of intradepartmental communication framework, so that employees and doctoral students are updated on strategic plans and status of projects, on project administration methodology and targets. 14. Improvement of the Faculty External Communication & Employer Branding: * Creation of a new complex Faculty website including a Faculty Career page, containing success stories of the Faculty alumni and Successful women” section. * Creation of a faculty Communication plan, including public engagement activities department wise. 8, 9, 13, 27, 30 31.12.2019 * Faculty PR Team * HR Award Team * Steering Committee (Dean’s Board) [web link], [web site visit rate] 15. Implementation of an educational concept for Early stage researchers – Ph.D. students and Postdoctoral research fellows: * Postdoctoral researcher fellows: Development of a dedicated internal concept for attracting, hiring, onboarding and career development of postdoctoral researcher fellows with focus on incoming/international researchers (dedicated web, information flyer, training). * Doctoral students: Development and implementation of a concept for education (Doctoral school), 8, 21, 28, 32, 38 31.12.2022 * HR Award Team * Vice-Dean for Science, Research, Foreign Relations, and Doctoral Studies * HR Award Work Group (Department Heads) [web link], [flyer], [# of doctoral students trained], 13 mentoring and personal development of doctoral (Ph.D.) students, including preparation of guidebooks for Ph.D. students, supervisors, heads of Ph.D. programmes and other stakeholders; system of continuous trainings as well as preparation of a follow-up support for further career development after graduation, including “how to write a scientific publication” training. 16. Establishing a Faculty Ombudsman role and procedure to create an independent channel for reporting and solving eventual ethical and discrimination issues, complaints, disputes and people issues, and also for gender and diversity advisory, in addition to the University bodies. 10, 27, 32, 34 30.06.2021 * Legal Department * HR Department * HR Award team * Steering Committee (Dean’s Board) [web link], [# of complaints solved], [# staff informed] 17. Competency building for support staff: * Implementation of an initial and refresher advanced recruitment techniques and process training for involved staff, including social media utilization & active sourcing etc., also in eLearning form. * Ensuring ability to provide services in English - Enhancement of English courses for the support staff, focused on conversation and expertise. * Implementation of soft skill training in cultural and gender diversity and generation specifics. * HR techniques and strategies * Talent management, Employer branding, Analytics & Reporting (e.g. recruitment cost and efficiency). * Usage of enhanced existing IS/IT tools. 10, 13, 16, 24, 26, 27 30.06.2022 * HR Award team * HR Department * HR Award Work Group (Department Heads) [# staff trained], [Rating from the Employee Satisfaction Survey] 14 18. Competency building for senior researchers: * Leadership training for senior researchers, managers and supervisors, including: mentoring, coaching and communication skills, time management, cultural and gender diversity generation specifics. Mentoring competency building to be supported by cooperation with the Czech representation of European Network of Mentoring Programmes for the Advancement of Equal Opportunities and Cultural and Institutional Change in Academia and Research [http://www.eument- net.eu/. Leadership training to be provided in appropriate form and using professional experienced and mature lecturer, who would be respected by senior researchers. * HR minimum for senior researchers (HR Academy). 22, 27, 30, 33, 36, 37, 40 30.06.2022 * HR Award team * HR Department * HR Award Work Group (Department Heads) * Usage of external trainers [# staff trained], [Rating from the Employee Satisfaction Survey] 19. Decrease of administrative burden by reviewing existing university IS/IT tools: * Adjustment of internal university eRecruitment tool, so that its full functionality is utilized (e.g. data collection, automatic feedback etc.). * Ensure IT-IS tools are further developed and configured so that they allow utilization of all existing functionalities: University applications on the internal systems (INET, IS), University HR system (Magion) and others. 13, 37, 40 30.09.2022 * HR Award team * HR Department * Faculty IT team * University IT team [web link], [% of recruitment process covered], [# of posted vacancies], [hiring manager feedback], [# of informed applicants], [# of tools reconfigured] 15 20. Implementation of Faculty Employee Satisfaction Survey, in the end of the Revised Action Plan implementation phase, anonymous, focused on some of the Charter and Code principles - working conditions and supervision, with communication of results on the Faculty level and follow ups at the Researchers Focus Group reviews. 23, 24, 27, 28, 36 30.06.2023 * HR Award team * HR Department * Faculty IT team * University IT team * HR Award Work Group (Department Heads) [response rate %] 21. Creation and implementation of Faculty Working time rules, in addition to the University framework regulation, including flexible working hours and home office. 24 30.06.2021 * HR Department * HR Award team * Legal Team * HR Award Work Group (Department Heads) * Steering Committee (Dean’s Board) [web link], [# of employees informed] 22. Implementation of Faculty gender sensitization actions and their communication: e.g. “Successful women” campaign. Cooperation with the Czech Researcher Centre for Gender and Science, Institute of Sociology, Czech Academy of Sciences [www.genderaveda.cz]. 27 30.09.2022 * HR Award team * Faculty PR Team * Legal Team [web link], [# of actions] 23. Creation of the Faculty training and development guidelines, including framework process description, as a practical methodology for the Faculty and departmental training, mentoring and development activities. 36, 37, 38, 40 31.12.2021 * HR Award team * Legal Team * HR Award Work Group (Department Heads) [web link], [# of employees informed] The establishment of an Open Recruitment Policy is a key element in the HRS4R strategy. Please also indicate how your organisation will use the Open, Transparent and Merit-Based Recruitment Toolkit and how you intend to implement/are implementing the principles of Open, Transparent and Merit-Based Recruitment. Although there may be some overlap with a range of actions listed above, please provide a short commentary demonstrating this implementation. If the case, please make the link between the OTM-R checklist and the overall action plan. (free text, 1000 words maximum) Recruitment rules and methods at the Faculty still require some improvements. There is University Recruitment Regulation in place, covering majority of the OTM-R principles, fully followed for recruitment of academic positions, and partially for non-academic positions. It is, however, perceived as rather general framework document missing details from the OTM-R perspective. Based on outcomes from the analysis performed in the OTM-R Checklist - Template 3 we agreed to implement following 8 actions, which are also part of the Action plan: 16 Proposed ACTIONS OTM-R Principle( s) Timing (at least by year’s quarter/s emester) Responsible Unit Indicator(s) / Target(s) 1. Creation of FoS OTM-R Policy applicable for recruitment of both academic and nonacademic positions including: * Specification of responsibility for the faculty recruitment process and metrics. * Rules for appointment of the selection committees according to the type and character of positions and its composition (e.g. recommendations for gender balance, expertise of the members, voting rights, presence of external/international members etc.) -> Action Plan Item # 4 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 16, 17, 18 Pilot study/Prepara tion 31.5.2019 Implementati on 30.09.2020 * HR Award team * HR Department * HR Award Work Group (Department Heads) [web link] [date of latest update] [# staff informed] 2. Creation of FoS OTM-R Process (Guidelines), both for external and internal hiring, including: * Guidelines and templates for external and international job posting, including references to specifications of working conditions. * Regularly updated list of recruitment channels and sources with Euraxess jobsite emphasized. * Antidiscrimination guidelines (what to ask and not to ask) and links to respective faculty/university bodies, e.g. Panel for Equal Opportunities. * Guidelines for candidate evaluation including evaluation feedback form, helping in application of the judging merit principle. * Hiring manager feedback after employee’s first 12 months * Feedback from a successful candidate after becoming an employee * Guidelines for administrative part of the recruitment and pre-employment process (e.g. reporting, documents and data management) * Rules for communicating with candidates, including templates for situational reactions. -> Action Plan Item # 5 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 19, 20, 21, 23 Pilot study/Prepara tion 31.5.2019 Implementati on 30.09.2020 * HR Award team * HR Department * HR Award Work Group (Department Heads) [web link], [date of latest update], [# staff informed], [list of channels for job posting], [web link Euraxess], [hiring manager feedback], [# of informed applicants], [Feedback from a successful candidate] 17 3. Competency building: implementation of an initial and refresher recruitment techniques and process training, including social media utilization for involved staff. -> Action Plan Item # 17, 18 3, 12, 13, 14, 19 30.06.22 * HR Award team * HR Department * HR Award Work Group (Department Heads) [# staff trained] 4. Advancement of existing Internal eRecruitment tool [https://inet.muni.cz/app/index.jsp?id=pers.j obs_mu] so that: * Data collection is feasible, and basic recruitment metrics are set up. * Recruitment tool external part containing job advertisements is adjusted and contains web links to information on faculty/university working conditions, benefits etc. * Part of the eRecruitment tool used for communication with candidates is sophisticated and allows automatic feedback and other communication patterns. -> Action Plan Item # 19 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 20, 23 30.9.2022 * HR Award team * HR Department * Faculty IT team * University IT team [web link], [% of recruitment process covered], [# of posted vacancies], [hiring manager feedback], [# of informed applicants]. 5. Improvement of faculty External Communication & Employer Branding Creation of a new faculty website, to offer new appealing faculty Career page, and information about infrastructure and facilities relevant for the underrepresented groups (e.g. handicapped, women returning from maternity leave etc.). -> Action Plan Item # 14 8, 9 31.12.19 * PR Team * HR Award Team * Steering Committee (Dean’s Board) Indicator/s: [web link]. 6. Onboarding process (new joinee adaptation) implementation as a phase following the Recruitment process, including induction (initial) training, guidelines for new joinees, feedback mechanism etc. -> Action Plan Item # 8 10 30.06.20 * HR Department * HR Award team * Working group (Department Heads) [successful candidate feedback after first 12] months], [exit interview feedback] 7. Implementation of a faculty Role system (Role systemization), including related job descriptions and competency models as a basic pillars for transparent recruitment, allowing specification of criteria for recruitment evaluation, using also the European Framework for Research Careers, which identifies both necessary and desirable competencies for 11, 19 Pilot study/Prepara tion 31.5.2019 Implementati on 30.09.2020 * HR Award Team * HR Department * HR Award Work Group (Department Heads) Indicator/s: [web link], [% positions with job descriptions in place] 18 each of the four broad profiles for researchers (R1 to R4). -> Action Plan Item # 1 8. Establishing a faculty Ombudsman role to create an independent channel for solving people related issues, in addition to the university bodies. The Ombudsman role will be presented on the new faculty website. -> Action Plan Item # 16 22 30.06.21 * Legal Department * HR Department * HR Award team * Steering Committee (Dean’s Board) Indicator/s: [web link] If your organisation already has a recruitment strategy which implements the principles of Open, Transparent and Merit-Based Recruitment, please provide the web link where this strategy can be found on your organisation's website: URL: OTM-R principles Partially Implemented in https://www.muni.cz/en/about-us/official-notice- board/rad-vyberoveho-rizeni-mu 4. IMPLEMENTATION General overview of the expected implementation process: free text, 1000 words maximum) HRS4R AT THE MASARYK UNIVERSITY – FACULTY OF SCIENCE: BACKGROUND For a good understanding of the proposed HRS4R Gap Analysis, Action Plan and its proposed implementation process at the Faculty of Science (FoS, Faculty), it is important to understand positioning of the Faculty within the Masaryk university (MU. University), and also positioning of the Faculty’s relatively autonomous departments, therefore please see details as follows: The Faculty of Science (FoS, Faculty) was established in 1919 as one of current 9 faculties of the Masaryk University (MU, University). MU, the second largest university in the Czech Republic, is a public institution. There are 36.000 students studying at MU - including Ph.D. students and the University has 5 000 employees. At the present time, 930 research projects are being carried out university-wide. Within the MU, the FoS with 3700 students (including 800 Ph.D. students), 1100 employees, and circa 1400 researchers (including Ph.D. students) provides almost 50% of the university research volume, and 60 % from the perspective of the applied research volume. The Faculty is, for all practical reasons, an autonomous economic unit. The faculty is funded from two sources – state budget and project financing. Part of state budget MU receives from the Ministry of Education is subsequently allocated to FoS based on number of students, scientific and teaching results, graduation rate, and other criteria. This represents roughly 40% of the Faculty’s yearly budget, with additional approximately 60% of Faculty’s budget being represented by money coming from research projects. 19 The Faculty has 2 locations – renovated historical complex in a city centre and a newly built modern university campus Bohunice. The Faculty is governed by the University extensive framework regulations and strategies, having its own operating procedures built on the university regulations in some instances. The Faculty is fully autonomous in selecting priorities and directions in its research activities. FoS is a complex, research-oriented, institution consisting of 13 departments and 2 institutes: Mathematics and Statistics, Condensed Matter Physics, Physical Electronics, Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Research Centre for Toxic Compounds in the Environment, Experimental Biology, Botany and Zoology, Anthropology, Geological Sciences, Geography, National Centre for Biomolecular Research, Physics of Earth and Botanic Gardens. The Faculty operates independently within the University system and uses its own financial controls. The Faculty is well known in producing prominent scientists in both theoretical and applied sciences. As to its size and complexity, the Faculty of Science MU corresponds with the average size of a Czech university. Due to the complexity of the Faculty, certain decentralisation and autonomy of individual faculty departments, heterogenous nature of the University as a whole, and taking into account the profound changes the HR Award brings to an institution, it was decided to start this process at the FoS as a pilot project first. Other faculties will follow, some are already in the preparation process. This was consulted with the EC and since an agreement was met, the FoS has, as one of the 2 strongest university research units, endorsed the European Charter and Code for researchers separately and started to design its own HRS4R Gap Analysis and Action Plan. The Faculty will, using its experience from implementation of the HR Award serve as an advisor to other faculties as well as a university HRS4R ambassador. The HRS4R preparation and implementation was already introduced to HR team members from all university faculties at a yearly gathering. The HRS4R at the FoS is part of the broader university HR strategic project - “Development of Human Resources and MU’s International Research Orientation” (HR4MU), which is co-financed by the European Union. The HR4MU project consist of 4 parts – HRS4R at FoS, HRS4R at CEITEC (Central European Institute of Technology), Research Evaluation and Research Internationalisation, and is fully aligned with the MU Strategic Plan and the FoS Strategic Plan. Implementation of HRS4R is strategic priority for the FoS. Therefore, external HR experts were hired to enhance the existing faculty team using their HR experience gained in international companies and HR transformation projects. They are members of the Work group/Expert team. Additionally the Steering Committee and Work Group, see the HR Award project Organisational Chart, have been set up. The “HR Award team” represents a separate unit positioned directly within the Dean’s Office in the FoS structure, which underlines the importance of the project for the FoS. All the above mentioned 3 project groups will be fully involved in the HRS4R Action Plan implementation at the Faculty during the estimated November 2018 – November 2020 Implementation of the Action Plan till the Interim Assessment and estimated December 2020 – December 2023 Implementation of the Revised Action Plan. For detailed involvement, see in the Implementation Checklist for individual groups. As to the Action Plan implementation period, we are planning implementing actions throughout the whole period, till 2023, i.e. not only for 2 years till the Interim Assessment, but for the full 5 20 years till the Revised action plan implementation assessment (36 months after the Interim Assessment) and the site visit are due. As to logical sequence of the individual action points in the Action plan, we have identified 5 core action points no matter to which principle group they are related to, for which we divided the implementation into 2 phases – the Pilot study/Preparation and the Implementation itself. Other action points follow in the sequence of their relation to individual principles/principle groups. Make sure you also cover all the aspects highlighted in the checklist below, which you will need to describe in detail: Checklist *Detailed description and duly justification How will the implementation committee and/or steering group regularly oversee progress? free text 500 words maximum Steering committee will also act as the Implementation committee. Monthly electronic updates and quarterly reviews will be a permanent agenda task at the Faculty extended Dean’s Board meetings. How do you intend to involve the research community, your main stakeholders, in the implementation process? free text 500 words maximum * Researcher Focus Group Follow up reviews will take place Semi-annually/Annually till the Interim assessment in 2020, and further schedule for the Revised Action Plan implementation will be set up in 2020. At the follow up reviews, where detailed Action plan fulfilment will be regularly reviewed, feedback will be collected and recorded. Representative of the Researcher Focus Group is a member of a Steering committee. * Work group (Department Heads = R4 researchers, and HR Department Head) will be part of the quarterly review at the Faculty extended Dean’s Board meetings, where detailed Action plan will be followed up on, in addition to the monthly electronic updates. * Action Plan detailed Gantt Chart will be created, published and regularly updated on the Faculty HRS4R Website * Communication and dissemination of the action plan implementation status will be conducted as follows: - At the Steering committee and Work group quarterly reviews, 21 - Researcher Focus Group Follow-ups Semi- annually/Annually - Regular communication to the Faculty staff via regular Faculty newsletter - Regularly updated faculty HRS4R website How do you proceed with the alignment of organisational policies with the HRS4R? Make sure the HRS4R is recognized in the organisation’s research strategy, as the overarching HR policy. free text 500 words maximum Dean’s Instruction positioning HRS4R implementation as a Faculty HR Strategy has been issued and published on the Faculty HRS4R website and the Faculty Strategic Plan 2016 -2020 will be updated with the HRS4R priorities for 2019. How will you ensure that the proposed actions are implemented? free text 500 words maximum We will ensure the proposed actions are implemented via the project governance described in previous sections of the checklist and as follows: * HW Award Expert team fortnightly operational meetings, including “Implementation sub-work groups” created based on ownership of individual AP Action items (consisting from HR, PR, IT, Research representatives based on the related topic) * Dedicated Sharepoint section and/or faculty shared drive will contain shared space – repository of documents created by the “Implementation sub-groups” * Faculty Employee Satisfaction Survey will be conducted in the end of the Revised Action Plan implementation phase. How will you monitor progress (timeline)? free text 500 words maximum We will monitor the Action Plan progress and timeline based on the detailed Gantt chart created for the HRS4R Action Plan, on Faculty extended Dean’s Board quarterly reviews, i.e. the Steering committee and the Working group reviews. How will you measure progress (indicators) in view of the next assessment? free text 500 words maximum We will measure the Action Plan implementation progress - indicators via following and regularly reviewing the detailed Gantt chart created for the HRS4R Action Plan, containing the Action Status and specified indicators, for which data will be 22 collected in regular review periods corresponding with pilot and implementation deadlines of the individual action points. Additional remarks/comments about the proposed implementation process: free text 1000 words maximum PRACTICAL INFORMATION: * Full list of regulation documents and websites – internal document accessible to EC Team from the Online tool. * Faculty HR Award Organisational Structure see here. * Details on the Faculty of Science MU see here. * HR Strategy of the Faculty of Science MU see here. NOTE TO TEMPLATE 2 - GAP ANALYSIS – FIELD “INITIATIVES UNDERTAKEN”: For the field “Initiatives undertaken” we have, in text, described the current practice (“Current status”) and listed supporting documents and websites (“Supporting regulations and websites”).