Naši studenti, řiďte se spíše anglickým sylabem.


Sylabus z předmětu Aplikovaná fyziologie hmyzu:


Společenské včely Apis mellifica L.

Charakteristika včelího společenství a jeho jednotlivých kast.

          Matka, trubci, dělnice - larvální vývoj, anatomie a morfologie dospělců, ranné období imaginárních stadií, úloha dospělců.

          Matka - mateří buňky, princip diferenciace diploidních larev v larvy matek, (tzv. "mateří kašička"), období maturace ve včelstvu, orientační a oplozovací výlety, kladení vajíček. Žlázový systém, feromony matky oplozené a neoplozené ("mateří látka" a další) a jejich úloha. Princip výměny matky ve včelstvu tzv. tichou výměnou, rojením, náhradními matkami.

          Trubci –



Bi6382 Applied insect physiology (Apidology)




  1. Relations existing between plants and pollinating agents.
  2. Various insect pollinators and their importance in production of seeds and fruits.
  3. Bees as the most important pollinators and the main groups of the Apoidea super family (solitary bees, bumble bees, eusocial bees - sting less bees and Apis spp.) bees.
  4. Medicago sativa as an example of the plant having special pollination requirements.
  5. Species of Apoidea suitable for the deliberate use in plant breeding and seed production - their biology and management based on the knowledge of the physiological background (Megachile rotundata, Rhophitoides canus, other solitary bees, bumble bees and stingless bees).
  6. Honeybee Apis mellifera, anatomy and morphology, casts, reproduction, genetics and brood rearing, nutrition and feeding of honeybees, physiology of digestion, energy economy, haemolymph, development of castes, mutual relationships, hormonal regulation of functions, instincts, information, pheromones, illnesses,
  7. Products of honeybees (honey, pollen pellets, wax, venom, propolis).
  8. Practical contacts with pollinating insects – the excursions in bumblebee rearing laboratory and at the Mendel’s Apiary.


Literature for English students

·        Alford D. V., 1978: The life of the Bumblebee, Davis-Poynter Limited 20 Garrick Street London WC2E 9BJ, 80

·        Amiet F., 1996: Hymenoptera, Apidae, 1. Teil, Schweizerischen Entomologischen Gesellschaft, 85

·        Free J. B., 1987: Pheromoes of Social Bees, Chapman and Hall LTD, London 218

·        Goulson D., 2003: Bumblebees behaviour and Ecology, Oxford University press, 235

·        Hagen v. E., 1983: Hummeln. Nuturbuch Verlag, 320 s.

·        Heinrich B., 1993: The Hot – Blooded Insects. Springer-Verlag, 601

·        O´Toole Ch. and Raw A., Bees of the World

·        Parey P., 1968: Insektenstaaten, Lives of Social Incects im Verlag the World publishing company, New York, 200

·        Plys-Jines O., Corbet S. A., 1997: Bumblebees, First Published by Cambridge, Univer. Press, 92

·        Sladen F.W.L., 1989: The Humble-bee, Logaston press, 273





Pollinators and their importance for the production of seeds and fruits.

Bees, their systematic classification, bionomic groups and suitability for artificial multiplication and use in agricultural production (Megachile rotundata, Rhophitoides canus, Osmia spp, bumble bees and Apis spp.)

Apis mellifera, anatomy and morphology, biology of the colony, production and use for pollination purposes. Practical beekeeping and bumblebee keeping.



(počet přístupů od 1. 5. 2007)