
Opravilova V. 1999: Gastrotricha. In: Opravilova V., Vanhara J. & Sukop I. (eds): Aquatic Invertebrates of the Palava Biosphere Reserve of UNESCO. Folia Fac. Sci. Nat. Uni. Masaryk. Brun., Biol., 101: 65-66.



1 - locality (e.g., JE: 5.8) 3 - habitat type (e.g., 3.1.2)
2 - source (e.g., (1)) 4 - distribution (e.g., HOL)




Czech Republic

Palava Biosphere Reserve

Number of species





Chaetonotus macrochaetus Zelinka, 1889: JE: 5.8 (1), 3.1.1-2, HOL.

C. maximus Ehrenberg, 1830: LR: 8.11 (1), 3.1.2, COS.

C. polyspinosus Greuter, 1917: LR: 8.15 (1), 3.1.2, EUR.

C. simrothi Voigt, 1909: JE: 5.8, KJ: 3.1 (1), 3.1.2, EUR.

Polymerurus nodicaudus (Voigt, 1901): JE: 5.8 (1), 3.1.2, HOL (+India).



Dasydytes ornatus Voigt, 1909: PO: 15.1; 15.8 (1), 3.1.2, A3, F3, EUR.

Setopus dubius Voigt, 1909: PO: 15.1 (1), A2, F2, EUR.


SOURCE (publications, collections, unpublished data)

1. Coll. Faculty of Science, Masaryk University Brno, M. HORSAK, M. OMESOVA, P. KMENT, D. VARECHA leg., V. OPRAVILOVA det.

2. KOVARIK M., 1977: Dynamika mikrobentosu lesni tune v novomlynske oblasti na jizni Morave. /Dynamics of microbenthos of a forest pool in the region of Nove Mlyny in southern Moravia/. Diploma Thesis, Faculty of Science, Masaryk Univesity Brno, 60 pp. (In Czech).



Vera Opravilova (Department of Zoology and Ecology, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, Kotlarska 2, 611 37 Brno, Czech Republic. E-mail: