On-line manual         How to install                                                                   Vegetation science group


The program JUICE is developed from 1998. It was designed as a Microsoft(R) WINDOWS(R) application for editing, classification and analysis of large phytosociological tables or other ecological data. This software, with current maximum capacity of 65,500 relevés in one table, utilises many functions for easy manipulation of table and header data. Various options include classification using COCKTAIL and TWINSPAN methods, calculation of interspecific associations, fidelity measures, average Ellenberg indicator values, preparation of synoptic tables, automatic sorting of relevé tables, and export of table data into other applications (text editors, table processors or mapping packages). JUICE is optimised for use in association with TURBOVEG which is the most widespread database program for storing phytosociological data in Europe. However, three other import formats are available for other users. 

Version 6.3.70. - Species Data calculated from Short Headers, 
Short Headers calculated form Species Data, etc.


Available connections with other mapping or classification software:

TWINSPAN - table classification and sorting (freeware; JUICE installation package)
DMAP - mapping of species, species group or relevé distribution (commercial software)
PC-ORD - automation of Cluster Analysis, quick sort of relevés by clusters (commercial software)
MULVA - export of MULVA format files, quick sort of relevés by Cluster Analysis (freeware)
SYN-TAX - export of tables in SYN-TAX format files (commercial software).
MATLAB - export of tables in MATLAB format files. 
CANOCO - export of Cornell condensed files (commercial software).
GIS programs - export of latitude, longitude coordinations from header data.

