Aspergillus niger van Tieghem

CCM 8155

Other numbers: ATCC 6275, CBS 131.52, DSM 1957, IFO 6341, IMI 45551, NRRL 334, C. Thom 4247.
History: < DSM.
Additional information: Biohazard group 2. Sulphur bioassay; fungus resistance (textiles, paper, paperboard, adhesive, plastics). Production of citric acid. Degradation of apple distillery waste.
Cultivation conditions: Medium 11, 25°C.

CCM 8189

Other numbers: ATCC 9642, BCRC 31512, CBS 246.65, CCUG 48753, CECT 2700, DSM 63263, IFO 6342, IMI 91855, NBRC 6342, NRRL A-5243, Weston S.N.26.
History: < NRRL.
Isolated from: Wireless set.
Additional information: Biohazard group 2. Media testing; fungus resistance and wood preservatives testing. Production of pullulan 4-glucanohydrolase; glyoxalase. Degradation of plastics.
Cultivation conditions: Medium 1 or 2, 25°C.

CCM F-330

Other numbers: ATCC 9142, IMI 41874, NRRL 599, Moyer strain Doelger 2.
History: < NRRL.
Additional information: Biohazard group 2. Production of protease, amylase (527). Production of citric acid from mollanases (31), cotton wastes (569), apple pomace; gluconic acid; 18-homo-19-norcortisone; hydroxylated biphenyl compounds; 18-homo-19-norhydrocortisone; 12-hydroxy-trans-nerolidol; L-malic acids. U.S. patent 4,153,509; U.S. patent 3,529,000. Conversion of acronycine to 9-hydroxyacronycine (461); 18-hydroxylation of steroids (273). Assimilation of lactose (527).
Cultivation conditions: Medium 1 or 2, 25°C.

CCM F-384

Other numbers: strain F 02773.
History: < L. Marvanová.
Isolated from: Culture contaminant; Czech Republic.
Additional information: Biohazard group 2.
Cultivation conditions: Medium 1 or 2, 25°C.

CCM F-495

Other numbers: ATCC 36233, R.W. Curtis 58-883.
History: < R. W. Curtis.
Isolated from: Garden soil.
Additional information: Biohazard group 2. Production of malformin A, B1, B2 (291,292,293).
Cultivation conditions: Medium 1 or 2, 25°C.

CCM F-746

Other numbers: ATCC 52556, J.M. Walker F8.
History: < A. M. Hall.
Isolated from: Soil; Great Britain.
Additional information: Biohazard group 2. Production of protease inhibitor with thiol group (482).
Cultivation conditions: Medium 1 or 2, 25°C.