Publikace 2005

  • Trnkova L, Jelen F, Petrlova J, et al.: Elimination voltammetry with linear scan as a new detection method for DNA sensors. Sensors. Volume: 5, Issue: 6-10, Pages: 448-464, Published: Jun-Oct 2005. (IF = 1,208)
  • Adam V, Petrlova J, Potesil D, et al.: Study of metallothionein modified electrode surface behavior in the presence of heavy metal ions-biosensor. Electroanalysis. Volume: 17, Issue: 18, Pages: 1649-1657, Published: Sep 2005. (IF = 2,189)
  • Trnkova L: Identification of current nature by elimination voltammetry with linear scan. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry. Volume: 582, Issue: 1-2, Pages: 258-266, Published: Aug 15 2005. (IF = 2,530 pro roky 2005 - 2009)
  • Adam V, Zehnalek J, Petrlova J, et al.: Phytochelatin modified electrode surface as a sensitive heavy-metal ion biosensor. Sensors. Volume: 5, Issue: 1-2, Pages: 70-84, Published: Jan-Feb 2005. (IF = 1,208)
  • Kizek R, Masarik M, Kramer KJ, et al.: An analysis of avidin, biotin and their interaction at attomole levels by voltammetric and chromatographic techniques. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry. Volume: 381, Issue: 6, Pages: 1167-1178, Published: Mar 2005.  (IF = 2,695)
  • Potesil D, Petrlova J, Adam V, et al.: Simultaneous femtomole determination of cysteine, reduced and oxidized glutathione, and phytochelatin in maize (Zea mays L.) kernels using high-performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection. Conference Information: 12th International Symposium on Advances and Applications of Chromatography in Industry, Jun 28-Jul 01, 2004 Slovak Tech Univ, Fac Chem & Food Technol, Bratislava, Slovakia. Journal Of Chromatography A. Volume: 1084, Issue: 1-2, Pages: 134-144, Published: Aug 19 2005. (IF = 3,096)
  • Prusa R, Blastik O, Potesil D, et al.: Analytic method for determination of metallothioneins as tumor markers. Conference Information: Annual Meeting of the American-Association-Clinical-Chemistry, Jul 24-28, 2005 Orlando, Fl. Clinical Chemistry. Volume: 51, Pages: A56-A56, Supplement: Suppl. 6, Published: 2005. (IF = 7,717)