
Lauterer P. 1996: Strepsiptera. In: Rozkosny R. & Vanhara J. (eds): Terrestrial Invertebrates of the Palava Biosphere Reserve of UNESCO, III. Folia Fac. Sci. Nat. Uni. Masaryk. Brun., Biol., 94: 609-611.



1 - locality (e.g., DV) 7 - frequency (e.g., F1)
2 - source (e.g., (2)) 8 - additional characteristics (e.g., hib:L)
3 - habitat type (e.g., 2.1.3) 9 - distribution (e.g., CEU)
4 - ecological characteristics (e.g., tf) 10 - time of occurrence (e.g., VIII)
5 - trophic relations (e.g., pa) 11 - host (e.g., Megadelphax sordidulus)
6 - abundance (e.g., A2)




Czech Republic

Palava Biosphere Reserve

Number of species





*Stenocranophilus quadratus (Pierce, 1914): DV, SA (2), 2.1.3, tf, xt, pa, ol, A2, F1, hib:L, CEU (Central America, Venezuela, West Indian Islands), VIII, Megadelphax sordidulus (Auchenorrh.).



Elenchus tenuicornis (Kirby, 1811): DO (1), 2.1.4, me-hg, pa, ol, A1, F1, hib:L, EUR (SBB), V, Falcotoya minuscula (Auchenorrh.).



Stylops nevinsoni Perkins, 1918: DO, PA (3), 2.1, 2.2.5, tf, pa, A2, F2, EUR, IV, Andrena apicata, A. praecox (Hymen.).

?Stylops parvulae Noskiewicz & Poluszynski, 1927: DO (3), 2.1, tf, pa, A1, F1, EUR (SBM), IV, Andrena minuta (Hymen.) (ident. uncertain according to J. Batelka).

Stylops spencei Pickering, 1836: DO (3), 2.1, tf, pa, A1, F1, EUR, IV, Andrena sabulosa (Hymen.).


SOURCE (publications, collections, unpublished data)

1. LAUTERER P., 1980: New and interesting records of leafhoppers from Czechoslovakia (Homoptera, Auchenorrhyncha). Acta Mus. Morav., Sc. nat., 65: 117-140.

2. Coll. Moravian Museum, Brno.

3. Coll. J. BATELKA, Nad vodovodem 16, 100 00 Praha 10.



Pavel Lauterer (Entomological Department, Moravian Museum, Preslova 1, 659 37 Brno, Czech Republic)