
Odborné články/Scientific papers

· Simonová D. (2008): Alien flora on walls in southern and western Moravia (Czech Republic).  In: Tokarska-Guzik, B., Brock, J.H., Brundu, G., Child, L., Daehler, C.C. & Pyšek, P., Plant Invasions: Human perception, ecological impacts and management, pp. 317–332. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden, The Netherlands. (pdf on request)


· Simonová D. & Lososová Z. (2008): Which factors determine plant invasions in man-made habitats in the Czech Republic? Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 10: 89–100. (fulltext on Science Direct or pdf on request)


· Simonová D. (2008): Rostlinná společenstva zdí na jižní a západní Moravě. [Plant communities of walls in southern and western Moravia]. Příroda 26: 65–83. (pdf)


· Simonová D. (2008): Vegetation of trampled habitats in the Czech Republic: a formalized phytosociological classification. Phytocoenologia 38: 177–191. (fulltext on IngentaConnect or pdf on request)


· Lososová Z. & Simonová D. (2008): Changes during the 20th century in species composition of synanthropic vegetation in Moravia (Czech Republic). Preslia 80: 291–305. (pdf)


· Láníková D. & Lososová Z. (2009): Rocks and walls: natural versus secondary habitats. Folia Geobotanica 44: 263-280. (pdf on request)


· Láníková D. (2009): Neofyty na zdech v České republice. [Neophytes on walls in the Czech Republic]. Zprávy České botanické společenosti 44: 99–109. (pdf)


· Lososová Z. & Láníková D. (2010): Differences in trait compositions between rocky natural and artificial habitats. Journal of Vegetation Science 21: 520–530. (pdf on request)


· Lososová Z., Horsák M., Chytrý M., Čejka T., Danihelka J., Fajmon K., Hájek O., Juřičková L., Kintrová K., Láníková D., Otýpková Z., Řehořek V. & Tichý L. (2011): Diversity of Central European urban biota: effects of human-made habitat types on plants and land snails. Journal of Biogeography 38: 1152-1163.  (fulltext in Wiley Online Library or pdf on request)


· Lososová Z., Chytrý M., Tichý L., Danihelka J., Fajmon K., Hájek O., Kintrová K., Láníková D., Otýpková Z. & Řehořek V. (2012): Biotic homogenization of Central European urban floras depends on residence time of alien species and habitat types. Biological Conservation 145: 179-184.


Monografie Vegetace České republiky/Monograph Vegetation of the Czech Republic


Popularizační články, ostatní/Popularization, others