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Smooth, round, 2-3" fruits.

WI PE C 90

CV Shepard's 88; French commercial variety.

Caspian Pink

4½" deep pink, rough, meaty, fruits; excellent flavor; potato-leaf plants.

TN JO M 00

Cerise Orange

Heavy set of .75" diameter yellow-orange cherry tomatoes; sweet; leaves not heavily divided.

WI MI B 96

Originally from Norbert Parreira, Helliner, France, 1992.

Cherokee Chocolate

4", smooth, dark brown-purple fruits; excellent flavor

Developed by Craig Lehoullier, Raleigh, North Carolina

Cherokee Green

4-5", smooth fruits, light green on inside, yellow green outside when ripe; excellent spicy-sweet flavor.

Developed by Craig Lehoullier, Raleigh, North Carolina

Cherokee Purple, Potato Leaf

4-5", flattened, smooth, dark purple fruits on potato-leaved plants.

MO GE J 98
Jeremiath Gettle, Mansfield, MO

Developed from potato leaf plant in 1995.

Cherry Roma

One of my 1999 favorites; enormous set of 1x.75" plum-shaped fruits; thick flesh; addictive sweet-spicy flavor; great dried or fresh; may be the best red cherry I've ever grown.

MD MO M 99
Meilie Moy-Hodnett, Rockville, MD

From caterer source.


Heavy, early set of 2-3" smooth, round fruits on short, determinate plants; early maturation.

SSE Tomato 3391

Chiapas Wild

Heavy set of .5" diameter, round fruits; very rich, sweet flavor; excellent for salads; fruits tend to fall from plant as they ripen; wild progenitor of cultivated tomatoes; from the Mexican tropics.

KS CR T 97 - CV Na2

Wild Tomato from jungles of Chiapas.

Coracao de Boi

2-4" pink, solid ox-heart fruits on 3½' vines; bore heavily but readily cracked.

Seeds obtained January 1994 in Oporto, Portugal near the port wine bodegas on the Rio Douro. Also available (LQ) seeds from original packet.

Costoluto Fiorentino

3½" moderately flattened red spheres; fairly meaty; heavy production; good for canning.

CV Fothergills; from garden store in the Somerset Bottoms west of Glastonbury, June 1998; Italian heirloom from Tuscany.

Coursen Roy's Stuffing Tomato

3-4" very light red to orange tri-lobed hollow fruits on rank 5½' vines; very productive; quite similar to Liberty Bell.

NJ CA J 96

Family heirloom of Coursen Ray, the largest grower of the famous Luther Hill heirloom corn.

Craig's Potato Leaf

Irregular 3-5" diameter, meaty fruits; low production; odd wispy potato-shaped leaves; stabilized cross with Bisignano.

IL LO N 98 - MI FL J 97 - NC LE C 91
Craig Lehoullier

Accidental variant of Bisignano #2.

Csikos Botermo

1½", round, red and orange striped fruits in gorgeous clusters of 5 or more; heavy production; reminiscent of Tigerella but clusters prettier.

IL LO N 98

From AUSL LA R 96 via WI MI B 97

Czech Tomato

4-6" rough, meaty, tart fruits on vigorous 5' potato leaf plants; meaty but very susceptible to rot; mine were definitely pink and not red; 100 year-old Nebraska heirloom from Czech immigrants.

NE BU W 95
Walter E. Baumgarner, Arcadia, NE

Has been in a Czech family in eastern NE for decades, maybe 100 years.

Czech Yellow

Heavy set of 2" diameter, smooth, bright yellow globes; perhaps 50% of fruits had pink centers, and appeared essentially identical to Pink Grapefruit, though plants more vigorous.

CA BL D 97 - SSE Campout 1989 ... (?) IL GR R 79
Mrs. Gladys Granke, Chicago, IL

This may (?) be traced to Ben Quisenberry's Czech's Excel Yellow recieved by Jerry Knesel, Quartz Hill, CA in 1975. Ben ran Big Tomato Gardens out of an old Post Office in Syracuse, NY, until 96 years old.


4"x3" meaty, incredibly rich-sweet tasting paste tomato on 3½' vines which bear heavily and refuse to crack; one of my top 5 tomatoes. O.S. Margaret Wyda, Bloomsburg PA.

PA EL B 94

Last Edit Date: April 5, 2010 nekola Heirloom Vegetable Homepage
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