Plant macrofossil database
of the Czech and Slovak republic

Name: Bulhary

Taxa Number of samples Period
Agrostis sp. (G)1FG
Alopecurus aequalis1FG
Batrachium sp.1FG
Betula pubescens (S)1FG
Carex aquatilis1FG
Carex lasiocarpa1FG
Carex limosa1FG
Carex pseudocyperus1FG
Carex rostrata1FG
Eleocharis palustris agg.1FG
Filipendula ulmaria1FG
Hippuris vulgaris1FG
Myriophyllum spicatum1FG
Myriophyllum verticillatum1FG
Potamogeton filiformis (S)1FG
Potamogeton pusillus1FG
Potamogeton sp. (S)1FG
Salix sp.1FG
Selaginella selaginoides1FG
Zannichellia palustris1FG

F = family uncertain, G = genus uncertain, S = species uncertain; SA = Subatlantic, SA2 = Younger Subatlantic, SA1 = Older Subatlantic, SB = Subboreal, AT = Atlantic, AT2 = Younger Atlantic, AT1 = Older Atlantic, BO = Boreal, PB = Preboreal, DR = Dryas, DR3 = Younger Dryas, AL = Allerød, DR2 = Older Dryas, BOL = Bølling, DR1 = Oldest Dryas, WU = Würm (Weichsel, Visla), MR = Mindel/Riss (Holstein), FG = Full glacial, UNKN = Unknown age