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Aci Siuri
Supposed to be a slipper-shaped C. annuum, but instead
all plants were C. chinense with highly wrinkled, yellow
2½x2" pendent fruits; heavy producer, hot with
characteristic smokey-tropical fruit aroma; seems likely a
seed mix-up.
From Turkey via Charles Kraniz, Lafayette, NC. RI HO P 00
Aci Siuri C
Up to 7" long, red, hot fruits that are curved at tip
like a Persian slipper.
From Turkey via RI HO P 00
Aji Amarillo
C. baccatum; light set of 4x0.75" tapered, wrinkled,
deep orange fruits on 3+' bush; very late maturing.
PA WE W 99
William Woys Weaver, Food Research, Devon, PA from Andean
lowlands, Bolivia
Aji Cristal
C. baccatum; Very heavy set of 1½x3½"
tapered fruits changing from light green to yellow to light
red; hot with nice citrus-like flavor; I thought flavor was
best when immature.
CA ED L 98 - (?) IL SW J
Lynn Edwards, Los Altos, CA (; aka Lynn's
Pepper Museum) from Curico, Chile
No Picture Available Yet
Aji Mongo
C. baccatum; small 1.5'x1.5' plants with red, drooping
apple-shaped fruits.
Ulrike Paradine, Kent, Great Britain.
Aji Panca
C. baccatum; tapered 3x0.75" chocolate-brown
fruits on 3+' bush; complex sweet-hot flavor; very nice.
CV Pep 94 (Dorothy L. Van Vleck, Largo, FL ); Peru
Aji Yuquitania
C. chinense; moderate set of smooth, red, drooping,
½x1½" fruits on 2' bush; very hot with
good smoky flavor.
CA ED L 98 - ME ES H 97 - VA AS L grown by the Cubeo Indians
of Vaupes, Columbia
C. baccatum; erect, 1x1½" wrinkled fruits
turning from light green to orange-yellow to red; no heat.
from Brazil Mats Pettersson, Stockholm, Sweden.
C. chinense; pendent 2¼x1¼" smooth
red fruits on 1' tall x 2' wide plant; fruits meaty, with
tropical fruit aroma but no heat.
TAIW BE T 99 (Asian Vegetable Research and Development Center)
Originally from Brazil.
AMA 11
C. chinense: pendent 2½x1¼" oval,
smooth red fruits on 1' tall x 1½' wide plants; fruits
meaty with smokey-tropical fruit aroma but no heat.
TAIW BE T 99 (Asian Vegetable Research and Development Center)
Originally from Brazil.
No Picture Available Yet
Moderate set of 4-5" brick red fruits on 4'+ plants;
seed obtained originally from Mexican import in Green Bay
Hispanic market
WI NE J 97
from Jalisco Mkt, corner of Main & Baird, Green Bay, WI,
bulk dry Ancho pods
Asian Best
Hot, 6" red, tapered, pendulous fruits on 2' bush
WI NE J 99 -- CV Tainong Enterprises
C. chinense; pendent, 1½x1" wrinkled red
fruits on 1½' tall x 2½' wide plants; fruits
with strong smokey, tropical fruit aroma but no heat.
TAIW BE T 99 (Asian Vegetable Research and Development Center)
Originally collected by Anne Turner from Niger. AVRDC accession
number CO 5599.
Australian Lantern
C. chinense; pendent 2/3x½" diamond-shaped
orange fruits on 1½x1½' plant; nice miniature
habanaro variety.
PA WE J 00
James Weaver, Kutztown, PA