23 Mar 2012
One-day Course. Milan Chytrý & Lubomír Tichý: Analysis and Classification of Ecological Data Using JUICE Software. Kiev, Ukraine.
21 Jan 2012
One-day Course. Lubomír Tichý & Milan Chytrý: Analysis and Classification of Ecological Data Using JUICE Software. Rennes, France.
10 Mar 2011
One-day Course. David Zelený: Pokročilá analýza vegetačních dat v program JUICE. Prague, Czech Republic.
3-4 Feb 2009
Two-day Course. Milan Chytrý & Lubomír Tichý: Curso sobre métodos de análisis numérico de datos fitosociológicos: el programa JUICE. Bilbao, Spain.
3-5 Oct 2008
Three-day Course. Lubomír Tichý & Milan Chytrý: Analysis and Classification of Phytosociological Data Using JUICE Software. Alaska Pacific University, 4101 University Drive, Anchorage, AK99508 Alaska.
29-30 Apr 2008
Two-day Course. Milan Chytrý & Lubomír Tichý: Classification and Other Analyses Using Phytosociological Data . MASARYK UNIVERSITY, Inst. of Botany and Zoology, Brno, Czech Republic. 17th International Workshop "Europaean Vegetation Survey".
8-9 Dec 2006
Two day course. Milan Chytrý & Lubomír Tichý: Classification and Other Analyses Using Phytosociological Data(in Czech). MASARYK UNIVERSITY, Inst. of Botany and Zoology, Brno, Czech Republic. About 110 participants.
15-17 May 2006
Three-Day Course. Analysis and Classification of Ecological Data Using JUICE Software ; ALASKA PACIFIC UNIVERSITY 4101 University Drive, Anchorage, AK 99508, U.S.A. 11 participants.
10-11 Feb 2006
Two-Day Course. Milan Chytrý & Lubomír Tichý: Klasifikace a jiné analýzy vegetace pomocí fytocenologických dat; CHARLES UNIVERSITY, Dept. of Botany, Benátská 2, Prague, Czech Republic. About 15 participants.
16 Mar 2005 Short JUICE course for participants of 4. workshop Vegetation databases in Halle, GE; 14.00-19.00h. 15 participants (14 Germany, 1 USA).
10 Mar 2005
Short JUICE course for participants of EVS meeting - Rome, IT (circular EVS, circular JUICE); 14.00-18.00 h.18 participants (Italy 9, The Netherlands 2, Albania 2, Austria1, Germany 1, Latvia 1, Turkey 1, Slovenia 1).
10 Feb 2005
Short JUICE course for Czech users - Brno, CZ; 10.00 - 16.00 h.
28 participants (Pruhonice 3, Olomouc 4, Brno 7, Plzen 4, Ostrava 1, Ceske Budejovice 1,Bratislava SK 8).
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