Newsletter for PhD students and Postdocs of the Faculty of Science MU 9-2022
Newsletter for PhD students and Postdocs of the Faculty of Science MU 6/2022
Newsletter for PhD students and Postdocs of the Faculty of Science MU 5/2022
Newsletter for PhD students and Postdocs of the Faculty of Science MU 4/2022
Eliška Janíčková: Events of the Week 27 May – 3 June
May 27–31 Mon–Fri 18th Czech - Slovak Spectroscopic Conference & Mössbauer Spectroscopy in Materials Science WHERE: Kurdějov 62, Hotel Vinař May 28 Tue From Patenting to Applied Science WHERE: University Campus, Building E35, Atrium WHEN: 15:00–16:30 May 29 Wed Student Geological Conference 2024 WHERE: Brno, Kotlářská 2, Faculty of Science, Institute of Geological Sciences, Building 3, Room G1 WHEN: 08:00 May 29 Wed CEITEC PhD School Conference 2024 WHERE: University Campus, Building B11, Room 205 & Building E35, Atrium WHEN: 09:00–19:00 May 30 Thu 120 Seconds: Meet Brnoregion Microscopy WHERE: University Campus, Building E35, Atrium WHEN: 15:00–18:30 May 31– Jun 9 Fri–Sun Carnivorous Plants Exhibition WHERE: Brno, Kotlářská 2, Botanical Garden May 31 Fri Habilitation Lecture Cancer Cell Plasticity as a Therapeutic Target SPEAKER: Karel Souček WHERE: University Campus, Building B11, Room 205 WHEN: 11:00 Jun 1 Sat Botanical Excursion Botanical Field Trip to the Vratíkov Karst near Boskovice WHERE: Boskovice, Train station WHEN: 09:35 Sign up as a Speaker for PI Seminar Series HERE. Save the Date: * Multimodal Microscopy Workshop: Probing the Triad of Structure, Mechanics, and Chemistry in Biological Systems, 10–12 June * The Final iNEXT-Discovery Consortium Meeting & 4th Symposium on Recent Advances in Cryo-EM, 10–13 June * Life after PhD with Oldřich Hudeček, 11 June * ERC Scientific Mini-Conference, 13 June * Brunch pro začínající vědkyně s Mgr. Kateřinou Rohlenovou, Ph.D., 17 June * Fundamentals of Light Microscopy, 18–20 June * Chemiluminiscence and Epifluorescence Workshop: Demonstration of Documentation System IRIS, 19 June * ESCAMPIG 2024, 9–13 July * Mendel Festival, 16–21 July * Morphology 2024, 8–10 September
Eliška Janíčková: Events of the Week 20–27 May
May 20–23 Mon–Thu Interdisciplinary Meeting of Young Life Scientists 2024 WHERE: Sněžné 11, Milovy, Hotel Orea Devět Skal May 21 Tue Molecular Medicine Seminar Series TOPIC: Expect the Unexpected: Lessons for RNA-Seq Analysis From HSV-1 Infection and CDK Inhibition SPEAKER: Caroline Friedel WHERE: University Campus, Building E35, Room 211 WHEN: 09:30–10:30 May 21–24 Tue–Fri PSE Trends in Natural Products 2024: Bioactive Natural Products in Biology, Pharmacy and Cosmetics WHERE: Brno, Lidická 23, Hotel Passage May 23 Thu AD-workshop No.3 WHERE: Brno, Karásek 1, BioVendor - Laboratorní medicína a.s. WHEN: 08:30–17:00 May 23 Thu Elucidating the Functional Impact of the Tumour Microenvironment on mTOR Signalling in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia SPEAKER: Alison Michie WHERE: University Campus, Building B11, Room 234 WHEN: 10:00 May 23 Thu Dies Academicus 2024 WHERE: Brno, Veveří 70, Faculty of Law, Karel Engliš Auditorium WHEN: 15:00–20:00 May 23 Thu Mendel Lecture TOPIC: The Making of MicroRNA SPEAKER: Narry Kim WHERE: Brno, Mendlovo náměstí 907/1a, Mendel Museum, Augustian Abbey Refectory WHEN: 17:00 Sign up as a Speaker for PI Seminar Series HERE. Save the Date: * From Patenting to Applied Science, 28 May * 18th Czech - Slovak Spectroscopic Conference & Mössbauer Spectroscopy in Materials Science, 27–31 May * CEITEC PhD School Conference 2024, 29 May * 120 Seconds: Meet Brnoregion Microscopy, 30 May * EUROPIC 2024, 2–6 June * Multimodal Microscopy Workshop: Probing the Triad of Structure, Mechanics, and Chemistry in Biological Systems, 10–12 June * The Final iNEXT-Discovery Consortium Meeting & 4th Symposium on Recent Advances in Cryo-EM, 10–13 June * Life after PhD with Oldřich Hudeček, 11 June * ERC Scientific Mini-Conference, 13 June * Fundamentals of Light Microscopy, 18–20 June * Chemiluminiscence and Epifluorescence Workshop: Demonstration of Documentation System IRIS, 19 June
Barbora Truksová: CANCELLED: Principal Investigator Seminar 17. 5. 2024
Please be informed that the Principal Investigator Seminar is cancelled this week. The series will be back in the Autumn semester. Best regards, CEITEC MU, Events Department
Eliška Janíčková: Events of the Week 13–20 May
May 12–15 Sun–Wed EMAS 2024 WHERE: Brno, Kolejní 2906/4, University of Technology, Faculty of Business and Management May 12–17 Sun–Fri STARMUS Bratislava WHERE: Bratislava, Odbojárov 9, TIPOS Arena - Ondrej Nepela Winter Stadium May 14 Tue Molecular Medicine Seminar Series TOPIC: Bioinformatics Multi-Omics Approach for Data Integration From Various Diagnostic Types SPEAKER: Kateřina Jurásková WHERE: University Campus, Building E35, Room 211 WHEN: 09:30–10:30 May 14 Tue Mendel Centre Seminar Series TOPIC: How Plants Deal with Heat and Cold: Molecular Mechanisms of Auxin Transport in Response to Temperature Stress SPEAKER: Petra Marhava WHERE: University Campus, Building B11, Room 205 WHEN: 14:00–15:00 May 14–15 Tue–Wed 125. výročí narození prof. Otakara Borůvky WHERE: Brno, Various Locations May 15 Wed Round Table: The Future of Scientific Publishing SPEAKER: Bernd Pulverer WHERE: University Campus, Building B11, Room 234 WHEN: 10:00 May 15 Wed STARMUS Lecture in Brno: Lucy in the Sky! The First Mission to the Trojan Asteroids WHERE: Brno, Kotlářská 2, Faculty of Science, Building 11, Room G2 WHEN: 11:00 May 15 Wed STARMUS Lecture in Brno: Microplastic in the Environment Analysis, Risk and Suitable Solutions WHERE: Brno, Kotlářská 2, Faculty of Science, Building 11, Room G2 WHEN: 12:00 May 15 Thu RUN, MUNI, RUN! WHERE: University Campus WHEN: 15:00–18:00 May 16 Thu MUNI DAY 2024 WHERE: University Campus May 16 Thu Innovation Lectures TOPIC: State of Knowledge of African Bats: Systematics and Conservation SPEAKER: Ara Monadjem WHERE: University Campus, Building B11, Room 305 WHEN: 16:00 May 16 Thu Mendel Lecture TOPIC: Transcription of the Genome: Molecular Mechanism and Cellular Regulation SPEAKER: Patrick Cramer WHERE: Brno, Mendlovo náměstí 907/1a, Mendel Museum, Augustian Abbey Refectory WHEN: 17:00 May 16 Thu How to Introduce Plasma as a State of Matter to Students? SPEAKER: Tereza Schmidtová WHERE: Brno, Kotlářská 2, Faculty of Science, Building 6, Room F2 WHEN: 17:00 May 18 Sat Open House Brno WHERE: University Campus, Building E35 & Building F37 & Building F01B1 May 20 Mon Research Breakfast Tomáš Kašpárek asks Martin Bareš WHERE: University Campus, Building B09, University Campus Library WHEN: 08:00–09:00 Sign up as a Speaker for PI Seminar Series HERE. Save the Date: * Interdisciplinary Meeting of Young Life Scientists 2024, 20–23 May * PSE Trends in Natural Products 2024: Bioactive Natural Products in Biology, Pharmacy and Cosmetics, 21–24 May * AD-Workshop No.3, 23 May * Mendel Lecture: The Making of MicroRNA, 23 May * 18th Czech - Slovak Spectroscopic Conference & Mössbauer Spectroscopy in Materials Science, 27–31 May * CEITEC PhD School Conference 2024, 29 May * 120 Seconds: Meet Brnoregion Microscopy, 30 May * EUROPIC 2024, 2–6 June * Multimodal Microscopy Workshop: Probing the Triad of Structure, Mechanics, and Chemistry in Biological Systems, 10–12 June * The Final iNEXT-Discovery Consortium Meeting & 4th Symposium on Recent Advances in Cryo-EM, 10–13 June * ERC Scientific Mini-Conference, 13 June * Fundamentals of Light Microscopy, 18–20 June
Barbora Truksová: Reminder: Today's Principal Investigator Seminar
We are reminding you about the next seminar, Involvement of Novel Ribosome Associated Factor in Translation Regulation, by Gabriel Demo (CEITEC MU). WHEN: Friday, 10 May, at 13:00 WHERE: University Campus, Building B11, Room 205 Best regards, CEITEC MU, Events Department
Eliška Janíčková: Events of the Week 6–13 May
May 6–10 Mon–Fri PDBEB Courses 2023/2024 Proteomics Approaches in Life Sciences WHERE: Online May 6 Mon Dissertation Thesis Defense TOPIC: Cryo-Electron Microscopy Analysis of Virus Replication in Vivo SPEAKER: Miroslav Homola WHERE: University Campus, Building E35, Room 145 & Online WHEN: 12:00–14:00 May 8 Wed SPARK Europe Webinar Series TOPIC: How to WOW Investors and Get Big $$$ SPEAKER: Tami Reiss WHERE: Online WHEN: 16:00–17:00 May 9 Thu Structural Biology Seminar Series TOPIC: Structural Insight Into Insulin Receptor Signalling Inhibition SPEAKER: Jiří Nováček WHERE: University Campus, Building B11, Room 205 WHEN: 14:00–15:00 May 9 Thu Life Sciences Seminar Series TOPIC: Ion Channels as an Inspiration for Synthetic Chemists SPEAKER: Dirk Trauner WHERE: University Campus, Building B11, Room 132 WHEN: 16:00 May 10 Fri Principal Investigator Seminar Series TOPIC: Involvement of Ribosome Associated Factors in Translation Regulation During Stress Induced Conditions SPEAKER: Gabriel Demo WHERE: University Campus, Building B11, Room 205 WHEN: 13:00–14:00 Sign up as a Speaker for PI Seminar Series HERE. Save the Date: * EMAS 2024, 12–15 May * STARMUS Bratislava, 12–17 May * STARMUS Lecture in Brno: Lucy in the Sky! The First Mission to the Trojan Asteroids, 15 May * STARMUS Lecture in Brno: Microplastic in the Environment Analysis, Risk and Suitable Solutions, 15 May * 125. výročí narození prof. Otakara Borůvky, 15 May * MUNI RUN 2024, 15 May * MUNI DAY 2024, 16 May * Mendel Lecture: Transcription of the Genome: Molecular Mechanism and Cellular Regulation, 16 May * Open House Brno, 18 May * Interdisciplinary Meeting of Young Life Scientists 2024, 20–23 May * PSE Trends in Natural Products 2024: Bioactive Natural Products in Biology, Pharmacy and Cosmetics, 21–24 May * AD-Workshop No.3, 23 May * Mendel Lecture: The Making of MicroRNA, 23 May * 18th Czech - Slovak Spectroscopic Conference & Mössbauer Spectroscopy in Materials Science, 27–31 May * CEITEC PhD School Conference 2024, 29 May * 120 Seconds: Meet Brnoregion Microscopy, 30 May * EUROPIC 2024, 2–6 June * Multimodal Microscopy Workshop: Probing the Triad of Structure, Mechanics, and Chemistry in Biological Systems, 10–12 June * The Final iNEXT-Discovery Consortium Meeting & 4th Symposium on Recent Advances in Cryo-EM, 10–13 June * ERC Scientific Mini-Conference, 13 June * Fundamentals of Light Microscopy, 18–20 June
Eliška Janíčková: Events of the Week 29 April – 6 May
Apr 30 Tue MSCA-PF Intensive Training for MSCA-PF Applicants WHERE: Online WHEN: 09:00–16:00 Apr 30 Tue Dissertation Thesis Defense TOPIC: Computational Predictions of Protein Conformational Changes and Their Interaction Properties Possibly Relevant in Neurodegenerative Diseases SPEAKER: Krishnendu Bera WHERE: University Campus, Building E35, Room 145 & Online WHEN: 10:00–12:00 Apr 30 Tue Dissertation Thesis Defense TOPIC: Investigations of Noncanonical Nucleic Acids Using Molecular Dynamics Simulations SPEAKER: Zhengyue Zhang WHERE: University Campus, Building E35, Room 145 WHEN: 12:00–14:00 Apr 30 Tue Mendel Centre Seminar Series TOPIC: In Need of Arrest: Understanding the Regulation of End-of-Flowering SPEAKER: Tom Benett WHERE: University Campus, Building B11, Room 205 WHEN: 14:00–15:00 May 2 Thu Parasitological Seminar Series TOPIC: Role of Digenean Cercariae in the Freshwater Ecosystems of Europe SPEAKER: Miroslava Soldánová WHERE: University Campus, Building B11, Room 333 WHEN: 15:00–16:30 May 2 Thu Life Sciences Seminar Series TOPIC: Probing the Dynamics and Interactions of Disordered Proteins with Single-molecule Spectroscopy: From Disordered Complexes to Phase Separation SPEAKER: Ben Schuler WHERE: University Campus, Building B11, Room 132 WHEN: 16:00 May 6 Mon Dissertation Thesis Defense TOPIC: Cryo-Electron Microscopy Analysis of Virus Replication in Vivo SPEAKER: Miroslav Homola WHERE: University Campus, Building E35, Room 145 & Online WHEN: 12:00–14:00 May 6–10 Mon–Fri PDBEB Courses 2023/2024 Proteomics Approaches in Life Sciences WHERE: Online Sign up as a Speaker for PI Seminar Series HERE. Save the Date: * EMAS 2024, 12–15 May * STARMUS Bratislava, 12–17 May * STARMUS Lecture in Brno: Lucy in the Sky! The First Mission to the Trojan Asteroids, 15 May * STARMUS Lecture in Brno: Microplastic in the Environment Analysis, Risk and Suitable Solutions, 15 May * 125. výročí narození prof. Otakara Borůvky, 15 May * MUNI RUN 2024, 15 May * MUNI DAY 2024, 16 May * Mendel Lecture: Transcription of the Genome: Molecular Mechanism and Cellular Regulation, 16 May * Open House Brno, 18 May * Interdisciplinary Meeting of Young Life Scientists 2024, 20–23 May * PSE Trends in Natural Products 2024: Bioactive Natural Products in Biology, Pharmacy and Cosmetics, 21–24 May * AD-Workshop No.3, 23 May * Mendel Lecture: The Making of MicroRNA, 23 May * 18th Czech - Slovak Spectroscopic Conference & Mössbauer Spectroscopy in Materials Science, 27–31 May * CEITEC PhD School Conference 2024, 29 May * 120 Seconds: Meet Brnoregion Microscopy, 30 May * EUROPIC 2024, 2–6 June * Multimodal Microscopy Workshop: Probing the Triad of Structure, Mechanics, and Chemistry in Biological Systems, 10–12 June * The Final iNEXT-Discovery Consortium Meeting & 4th Symposium on Recent Advances in Cryo-EM, 10–13 June * ERC Scientific Mini-Conference, 13 June * Fundamentals of Light Microscopy, 18–20 June
Barbora Truksová: CANCELLED: Principal Investigator Seminar 3. 5. 2024
Please be informed that the Principal Investigator Seminar is cancelled this week. The next lecture will take place on May 10. Best regards, CEITEC MU, Events Department