Total number of publications: 165
Measurement of whole blood phagocyte chemiluminuscence in the Wistar rat
Journal of Bioluminiscence and Chemiluminiscence, year: 1997, volume: 12, edition: 5
Effects of some lipoxygenase and cyclooxygenase inhibitors on the luminol-enhanced chemiluminiscence of phagocytes
Intetnational Journal of Immunopatology and Pharmacology, year: 1996, volume: 9, edition: 3
Oxygen tension effect on the production of reactive oxygen speciesby human phagocytes iv vitro
Abstracts of the 5th Vienna Shock Forum, Shock, year: 1995
The Influence of variation of Oxygen Tension on the Production of Reactive Oxygen Species by Hunam Phagocytes
Změny plazmatických hladin vitaminů C a E a volných kyslíkových radikálů u nemocných s chronickou pankreatitidou
Československá gastroenterologie a výživa, year: 1994, volume: 48, edition: 2