An introductory word from the Dean

14 Dec 2023 Tomáš Kašparovský

Photo: Irina Matusevič

Dear colleagues,

The snow that arrived a little earlier than usual this year tells us that the end of the year is near. So let me pause for a moment and, before tearing off the imaginary last leaf from this year’s calendar, recall the main things that 2023 brought.

Unfortunately, our attention was drawn to the ongoing war in Ukraine and, above all, uncertainty in energy prices and supplies. I am truly glad that we were all able to manage what seemed threatening at the start. I really appreciate how our faculty, and each of you, have handled this situation. It is really gratifying that the phrases we hear on sustainability, frugality and savings are not just words on paper, but a natural part of our lives. And even if energy prices still torment us, I once again believe that we will continue to manage. You may also be watching discussions about the state budget and finances for education with some trepidation. I would like to assure you that both the management of Masaryk University and the representatives of other universities are doing their best to maintain the quality of teaching and to ensure the further development of science and research in natural sciences and mathematics.

This year, we commemorated several important anniversaries, including the 100th birthday of Professor Emeritus Martin Černohorský. We also celebrated 40 years since the RECETOX Centre was founded. We can also celebrate several great achievements, such as the new university astronomical telescope in Ždánice, or the placement of our courses and scientists in prestigious rankings. Thanks to your efforts, ideas and perseverance, our faculty is a respected institution in the field of natural sciences. We are participating in several international and national projects, currently implementing, or co-implementing, 37 EU Horizon 2020 / Horizon Europe projects, 87 GAČR grants, 32 TAČR grants and 18 EU operational program projects. We have also received funds for a coordinated project funded by the European LIFE scheme and have participated in five OP JAK Top Research starting projects.

I was, like you, sincerely happy about this year’s many significant achievements. I am especially happy that we have a generation of excellent and successful young scientists and educators, not only within the Czech Republic but also on an international scale. This fills me with optimism. It is impossible to list all the achievements, but I would like to mention at least some.

As the top young scientist of this faculty, biologist Peter Fabian received the highly valued ERC Starting grant and the DIOSCURI grant. For his research, our graduate Martin Toul was awarded the prestigious 2023 Czech Mind (Česká hlava) Award for outstanding students and graduates, along with the Ministry of Education and Culture Award. GAČR supported the research of astrophysicist Michal Zajaček as part of the Junior Star program, while TAČR was impressed by the escape project of our botanists and zoologists. A high school student, and I believe our future student, Tereza Šustrová, also received the Česká hlavička Award after cooperating with our microbiologists. We will be in charge of operating the scientific operations centre of the first Czech space telescope, QUVIK, and the scientific part of this project will be led by a team of our astrophysicists led by Norbert Werner.

I would also like to mention the awards presented to our excellent teachers, thanks to whose work we educate young natural scientists; for example, the award of the Czech Learned Society to the head of the Loschmidt laboratories, Jiří Damborský, or the Rector’s Award for excellent teaching activity, which this year was presented to the mathematician Iva Dřímalová. This year, for the first time, we presented the Masaryk University Faculty of Science Prize to 13 personalities, including excellent teachers of secondary school science and mathematics, graduates of the faculty and cooperating schools and institutions.

I would like to thank you all as sincerely as possible for your invaluable work, not only for your scientific achievements but also for your patience and perseverance and your human approach and kindness, which makes our faculty such a pleasant environment for studying and working. I wish you all a peaceful and relaxing Christmas holidays in the close circle of family and friends. Gain new strength, whether in nature or with Christmas stories or plates full of sweets. I hope that the coming year 2024 will fill you with joy, health, happiness and the fulfilment of your dreams.


Yours sincerely,

Tomáš Kašparovský
Dean of the MU Faculty of Science

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