MU Application Regulations Agreement

We bring you information about a new application that simplifies sending regulations with which employees of the Faculty of Science MU should acquaint themselves on the basis of their work assignment and in relation to the obligations arising from the Labour Code. All employees will be requested to acquaint themselves with the selected MU regulations by a system email on June 30, 2022. The application Regulations Agreement will be available to all persons logged into the MU IS at the following link:

29 Jun 2022 Zuzana Hrabovská

The notified person will be asked to read the regulation and confirm their familiarity with the document in the application. All this within the time limit set by the administrator of the regulation, which is 10 days. In total, a maximum of three notification emails will be sent to the same person. If the employee concerned still fails to confirm his/her familiarity with the content of the document, the administrator of the regulation will be notified. The latter may resume sending the warning emails or take other appropriate action to address the situation. All relevant regulations, whether read or unread, will remain available in the application for later review.

In the first phase, the application will be used to acquaint employees with the internal regulations generally valid at Masaryk University, in the next phase, they will be acquainted with internal faculty regulations or regulations related to a specific workplace. The application will also be used in the upcoming faculty system facilitating the entry and adaptation of new employees, which is one of the outcomes of the HR Award/HRS4R action plan.

We believe that this application will be beneficial to employees: it will be easier and more accurate for them to access official documents as well as the expected knowledge related to the performance of work in specific positions and workplaces.

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